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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
242World Wide CTF 2024253.00000.810
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
110SpookyCTF 20232039.00003.517
831CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202375.00000.184
441DeconstruCT.F 2023100.00000.146
49The Odyssey CTF115.00002.604
129BSidesTLV 2023 CTF100.00000.438
419n00bzCTF 20231080.00001.300
349TJCTF 202356.00000.486
36TBTL CTF 2023301.00001.148
104Cryptoverse CTF 20231706.00003.614

Team members

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