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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 859 with 45.015 pts in 2024

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
304CyberSpace CTF 2024300.00000.532
232DASCTF2024 August Back-to-School Season200.00000.816
1101SekaiCTF 202439.00000.286
669idekCTF 2024100.00000.744
59Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 20242527.000023.456
130CTFZone 2024 Quals209.00002.367
323Junior.Crypt.2024 CTF350.00001.619
553UIUCTF 2024340.00001.948
108BCACTF 5.01635.000013.246

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