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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 585 with 25.735 pts in 2017

Country place: 19

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points CTF 2017587.00006.605
110Hack Dat Kiwi 2017275.00002.094
44Kaspersky Industrial CTF Quals 20171750.00005.276
267SHA2017 CTF200.00001.096
122Google Capture The Flag 2017 (Quals)343.00001.533
81SHA2017 CTF Teaser round50.00000.000
50Security Fest 2017610.00004.929
52RCTF 20171246.00002.493
22CONFidence CTF 2017100.00001.710

Team members

Team writeups

Security Fest 2017I heart cats [50]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Signal [100]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Puzzle Palace [100]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Empty [100]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Ping [50]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Qr code madness [200]read writeup
RCTF 2017intoU [82]read writeup
CONFidence CTF 2017Random [100]read writeup