Academic team

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Plan to participate in CTF events

snakeCTF 2024 QualsSept. 7, 2024, 8 a.m.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2463Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale900.00001.084
1021DiceCTF 2024 Quals1.00000.063
292TetCTF 2024100.00001.017
239Real World CTF 6th32.00001.760
67KnightCTF 20241585.00001.137
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
173TsukuCTF 20231594.00000.000
467pingCTF 202350.00000.285
376Hackappatoi CTF '2350.00000.220
378PatriotCTF 20231154.00001.989
221HITCON CTF 2023 Quals50.00001.147
1603NahamCon CTF 202350.00000.108
732ångstromCTF 2023190.00005.194
349LINE CTF 20231.00000.107
1367Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission4225.00004.258
87bi0sCTF 202210.00000.671
327KnightCTF 2023425.00001.616
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
482SECCON CTF 2022 Quals50.00001.316
112 BlueHens CTF 20221190.00001.853
127FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon243.00000.236
702Hack The Boo1800.00008.867
67Jade CTF1265.00003.385
118Srdnlen CTF 202250.00000.353
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
616MetaCTF CyberGames 20201700.00002.595
714CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202055.00000.819
437rgbCTF 2020420.00000.483
586DawgCTF 2020475.00001.043
220TAMUctf 20201044.00000.000
88b01lers CTF502.00001.989
692ångstromCTF 2020420.00002.531
270Insomni'hack teaser 202072.00001.919
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
626X-MAS CTF 2019106.00000.164
226picoCTF 201921551.00000.000
173InCTF 2019150.00000.892
308CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2019251.00002.102
416Facebook CTF 2019101.00000.167
202INS'hAck 2019299.00001.857
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1444picoCTF 20186310.00000.000

Team members

Team writeups

IceCTF 2018Lost in the forest [300]read writeup
IceCTF 2018Garfeld [100]read writeup
IceCTF 2018Hot or Not [300]read writeup
IceCTF 2018Ancient Foreign Communications [300]read writeup