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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
72CyBRICS CTF Quals 2019377.00002.902
94Security Fest 2019424.00002.513
401INS'hAck 2019100.00000.646
174ångstromCTF 2019820.00003.600
87CBM CTF 2019180.00001.515
20AceBear Security Contest 20191075.00003.672
90TJCTF 2019275.00000.000
355SwampCTF 2019100.00000.324
56Securinets CTF Quals 20194667.00004.752
6360CTF/TCTF 2019 Quals1.00000.140
82CONFidence CTF 2019 Teaser206.00002.193

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