Also known as
  • four-twenty
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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 3296 with 13.582 pts in 2023

Country place: 30

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
43HITCON CTF 2023 Quals810.000013.582

Overall rating place: 1826 with 21.221 pts in 2022

Country place: 22

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
54HITCON CTF 2022794.000012.822
531m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser50.00000.771
414LINE CTF 20221.00000.062
17TSJ CTF 2022885.00007.566

Overall rating place: 34834 with 0.091 pts in 2021

Country place: 100

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
281BambooFox CTF 20211.00000.091

Overall rating place: 2773 with 11.882 pts in 2020

Country place: 33

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
184HITCON CTF 202050.00001.505
35Balsn CTF 20201038.00003.835
325TastelessCTF 20201.00000.081
203TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020144.00003.321
297DawgCTF 20201245.00002.707

Overall rating place: 3681 with 5.982 pts in 2019

Country place: 33

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
37BambooFox CTF997.00000.000
464Newark Academy CTF 20191785.00004.950
164CyBRICS CTF Quals 2019130.00001.032

Team members