Also known as
  • hackhog
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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
555ImaginaryCTF 2024782.00002.712
234BCACTF 5.0635.00005.176
486 GPN CTF 202467.00000.310
241TBTL CTF 2024300.00001.638
328Texas Security Awareness Week 2024100.00000.692
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
258BackdoorCTF 20231333.00002.241
843st stage MetaRed CTF Argentina|CERTUNLP 2023998.00000.702
149zer0pts CTF 2023153.00002.260
139SEETF 2023789.00001.181
67BCACTF 4.0975.00006.110
306TJCTF 202369.00000.593
135HeroCTF v51393.00002.564
121Pragyan CTF 2023168.00000.683
59Byte Bandits CTF 20231276.00005.206
199bi0sCTF 202210.00000.316
510IrisCTF 2023100.00000.265
132TetCTF 2023200.00001.249
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
490X-MAS CTF 202233.00000.123
1014th stage MetaRed CTF PerĂº 20221100.00004.784
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
385Pwnium CTF 20141.00000.044

Team members