Abdeljalil Nouiri
Capturing flags since Oct. 2015

Good at: c pwning python c binaryexploitation reverse

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Pwnys writeups

Xiomara CTF 2018Envy [150]read writeup
TUCTF 2017Vuln Chat 2 [100]read writeup
TUCTF 2017Funmail2.0 [50]read writeup
hxp CTF 2017Babyish [100 pts]read writeup
CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2017SCV [100]read writeup
ASIS CTF Finals 2017Mary Morton [43]read writeup
HackIT CTF 2017pwn150 [150]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Pwn300 [300]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Pwn200 [200]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Baby RSA [55]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Pwn150 [150]read writeup
bugs_bunny ctf 2k17Pwn100 [100]read writeup
PoliCTF 2017Status Box [120]read writeup
PoliCTF 2017Rock Solid Cryptography [33]read writeup
Security Fest 2017Ping [50]read writeup
WhiteHat Contest 13Ho Coc beach [100]read writeup
nullcon HackIM Exploitation Question 1 [200]read writeup