
# MeePwnTube
TLDR; It is SSRF and filter bypass. Also
this is a fun challenge where you can listen to many "hot" singer from Vietnam.

# The problem
Source code already provided.
## _ducnt.php
$res = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' and password = '$hashpasswd'");
// .. snip..
$_current_avatar = $row['avatar_name'];
// .. snip..
$_parse_current_avatar = _curl($_current_avatar);
$_parse_current_avatar = '<center>

## curl.php
$data = curl_exec($ch);
// .. snip..
return base64_encode($data);

This give you whole source of page.

## flag.php
There is a note here.
echo '<center>

Nice try dude but but wrong hole....


## change_avatar.php
function rule_change_avatar($data){
$_parse = parse_url($data);
if(!preg_match("/^http$/", $_parse['scheme'])) {

Error: 'HTTP only' dude!!


if(!preg_match("/meepwntube.0x1337.space$/", $_parse['host'])) {


Error: Our 'space' only dude!!


//super miniwaf prevent scanning internal
if(preg_match("/127|192|172|000|0.0|fff|0x0|0x7f|0177|2130706433|\]|\[/", $_parse['host'])) {

Error: Oops script kiddie detected!!

$_domain = $_parse['scheme']."://".$_parse['host'].":".$_parse['port'].$_parse['path'];
return $_domain;
$_name = miniwaf(rule_change_avatar($_POST['change_avatar']));
// .. snip ..
$update_avatar = mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE users SET avatar_name = '$_name' WHERE username='$username'");

As you can see, `rule_change_avatar` make sense, but there is a hole in there, `/meepwntube.0x1337.space$/` actually is a failed regex (not properly escaped), which is I can bypass.

### The chain is:
- change_avatar.php: update `avatar url`
- \_ducnt.php : _curl
- source
# PoC
So I quickly register a new domain "meepwntubex0x1337.space", then point an A record to "".
I only try on main site, not bak.meepwn.. . because it has an other regex check :doge:

Function `rule_change_avatar` also allow custom `port`, then, scanning whole port from 1 to 10000, I got flag at (I should guess it first :D) (not this domain)


1337 Hey dude how can you get here???: BTW here is your flag: MeePwnCTF{******_gr8_again?????}