
# kid vm (pwn 188p, 22 solved)

> Writing a vm is the best way to teach kids to learn vm escape.

## Analysis

### Wrap-around vulnerability in the guest memory allocator

When allocating guest memory, the subroutine 006F fails to check if the new request fits into available free space.

The only check implemented is 008F, that validates pre-existing usage:
006F alloc_memory proc near
006F push ax
0070 push bx
0071 push cx
0072 push dx
0073 push si
0074 push di
0075 mov ax, offset aSize ; "Size:"
0078 mov bx, 5
007B call write_bytes
007E mov ax, offset requested_size
0081 mov bx, 2
0084 call read_bytes
0087 mov ax, ds:requested_size
008A cmp ax, 1000h
008D ja short error_too_big
008F mov cx, ds:free_space_offset
0093 cmp cx, 0B000h ; heap size
0097 ja short error_guest_memory_is_full
0099 mov si, word ptr ds:allocated_count
009D cmp si, 10h
00A0 jnb short error_too_many_memory
00A2 mov di, cx
00A4 add cx, 5000h ; heap start
00A8 add si, si
00AA mov ds:allocated_chunks[si], cx
00AE mov ds:allocated_sizes[si], ax
00B2 add di, ax
00B4 mov ds:free_space_offset, di
00B8 mov al, ds:allocated_count
00BB inc al
00BD mov ds:allocated_count, al
00C0 jmp short restore_registers
00C2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00C2 error_too_big:
00C2 mov ax, offset aTooBig ; "Too big\n"
00C5 mov bx, 8
00C8 call write_bytes
00CB jmp short restore_registers
00CD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00CD error_guest_memory_is_full:
00CD mov ax, offset aGuestMemoryIsFullPl ; "Guest memory is full! Please use the ho"...
00D0 mov bx, 32h
00D3 call write_bytes
00D6 jmp short restore_registers
00D8 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00D8 error_too_many_memory:
00D8 mov ax, offset aTooManyMemory ; "Too many memory\n"
00DB mov bx, 10h
00DE call write_bytes
00E1 restore_registers:
00E1 pop di
00E2 pop si
00E3 pop dx
00E4 pop cx
00E5 pop bx
00E6 pop ax
00E7 retn
00E7 alloc_memory endp

This can be exploited by performing 11 allocations of 0x1000 bytes each.
At that point next allocation is at 0x5000 + 11 * 0x1000 = 0x10000, wrapping to 0 as guest operates on 16-bit registers.
This allows for overwrite of guest code.

### Use-After-Free vulnerability in the host memory allocator

When deallocating host memory, the subroutine 0000000000000C8C includes option to skip `allocated_chunks` cleanup:
void __fastcall free_host_memory(__int16 mode, unsigned __int16 chunk_index)
if ( chunk_index <= 0x10u )
switch ( mode )
case 2:
free(allocated_chunks[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index]);
allocated_chunks[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index] = 0LL;
case 3:
free(allocated_chunks[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index]);
allocated_chunks[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index] = 0LL;
allocated_sizes[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index] = 0;
case 1:
free(allocated_chunks[(unsigned __int64)chunk_index]);
perror("Index out of bound!");

This option is not reachable using original guest code.
However given previous vulnerability, we can control it using following `vmcall`:
ax = 0x0101
bx = mode
cx = chunk_index

## Exploitation

1. Modify code executing in guest by exploiting wrap-around vulnerability in the guest memory allocator

The purpose is to expose host vulnerabilities via specific combinations of `vmcall` parameters, that are not reachable using original guest code.

2. Leak the address of host `libc` by exploiting use-after-free vulnerability in the host memory allocator

3. Increase `global_fast_max` by exploiting use-after-free vulnerability in the host memory allocator to corrupt the unsorted bin freelist

The purpose is to enable fastbin for the next step.

4. Allocate memory overlapping with `_IO_2_1_stdout_.vtable` by exploiting use-after-free vulnerability in the host memory allocator to corrupt the fastbin freelist

5. Overwrite `_IO_2_1_stdout_.vtable` to use new table referring `one gadget RCE`

The referred gadget is called immediately on next `putchar`.

Full exploit is attached [here](exploit.py).

Original writeup (https://github.com/p4-team/ctf/blob/master/2018-07-28-real-world-quals/kid_vm).