Tags: python crypto 


# Salad Upgrades (Junior, 239 solved, 20 points)
###### Author: [ecurve](https://github.com/Pascalao)

Sure, I could toss them all using just one shift. But am I gonna?

CIPHERTEXT: e4uo{zo1b_1e_f0j4l10i}z0ce

The challenge refer to the Caesar Salad challenge.
And after checking the distance of the first four characters, we know that
the key are counted up from 1 to the last character of the CIPHERTEXT.

key = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7, ... , 26]

We wrote a program, which does the rotation and solved the challenge.
The flag:

Original writeup (https://github.com/Lev9L-Team/ctf/tree/master/2018-08-16_hackcon/salad_upgrades).