
Author: erfur

Date: Tue Aug 21 08:30:46 +03 2018

# Hackcon 2018 - Anti RE

Analyzing the binary, what we get is a main loop with several similar
branches. After looking at all the branches I realized that they each do
one simple operation. Only after getting the flag I understood the fact
that this was a virtual machine implementation.

The virtual code is fixed, meaning that the same procedure is executed
each time the app is run. Instructions are in one of the following two

1. instruction code + dstaddr + srcaddr
(1 byte) (1 byte) (1 byte)


2. instruction code + dstaddr + value
(1 byte) (1 byte) (4 bytes)

Some things to consider:
- Memory is accessed as 4 bytes of blocks.
- Virtual memory starts at [rsp+188h].
- Real memory being accessed is [rsp+188h+4*addr].
- Our input is stored at the first 16 bytes of virtual memory.

There are 8 different instructions, each performing a different

0x0 XOR 1
0x2 OR 1
0x3 ADD 1
0x4 SUB 1
0x5 SHL 1
0x10 STORE 2
0x11 COPY 1

The running procedure is as follows:
STORE 0x6, 0x41
STORE 0x7, 0x50
STORE 0xA, 0x8
SHL 0x7, 0xA
STORE 0x8, 0x56
STORE 0xA, 0x10
SHL 0x8, 0xA
STORE 0x9, 0x45
STORE 0xA, 0x18
SHL 0x9, 0xA
OR 0x6, 0x7
OR 0x6, 0x8
OR 0x6, 0x9
COPY 0x7, 0x3
XOR 0x7, 0x6
COPY 0x6, 0x2
XOR 0x6, 0x3
STORE 0x8, 0x102730E
XOR 0x6, 0x8
COPY 0x5, 0x310AA04
ADD 0x5, 0x1
XOR 0x5, 0x2
COPY 0x8, 0x0
STORE 0x9, 0x4F0D301
SUB 0x8, 0x9
XOR 0x8, 0x1
OR 0x5, 0x6
OR 0x5, 0x7
OR 0x5, 0x8
COPY 0x0, 0x50

After the procedure is run, if the first 4 bytes of virtual memory is
zero, then we get the flag. Simplifying the above procedure, we get an
easy system to solve:

(MEM[0x3]^0x45565041) | (MEM[0x2]^MEM[0x3]^0x102730E) |
(MEM[0x1]^(MEM[0x0]-0x4F0D301)) | (MEM[0x2]^(MEM[0x1]+0x310AA04)) == 0

And we get the correct input:
MEM[0x0] = 0x46344C4C = "LL4F"
MEM[0x1] = 0x4143794B = "KyCA"
MEM[0x2] = 0x4454234F = "O#TD"
MEM[0x3] = 0x45565041 = "APVE"


Original writeup (https://gitlab.com/erfur/ctf-writeups/tree/master/hackcon2018/Anti%20RE).