
## Shredder (misc)

### Solution

`floppy` is a FAT12 image, we can extract an ELF executable `shredder` and a deleted file `flag.txt` from it using the tool `fatcat`

Try to analyze the behaviour of shredder, I found
* usage `./shredder passes files`...
* Behaviour:Byte by byte XOR the contents of files with a random number generated by `getrandom()` with `passes` times, and unlink(delete) the file.

Have a look on the deleted `flag.txt`, it's encrypted, thus we can infer that `flag.txt` is deleted by `shredder`. What we have to do is simply try to XOR `flag.txt` with all possible values of a byte (0 ~ 255).

### Exploit

#!/usr/bin/env python3

f = open("flag.txt")
s = f.read()
for i in range(255):
print("".join([chr(ord(c) ^ i) for c in s]))

### Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/jaidTw/ctf-writeups/blob/master/sect-2018/shredder.md).