Tags: web 


# DefCamp CTF 2018: RobotsVSHumans
***Category: web***
>*Find your flag on this website.*
>*Target: https://robots-vs-humans.dctfq18.def.camp/*
## Solution
For this challenge, we are given a website with a flag hidden somewhere in it.

Based on the name of the challenge, I immediately think of checking [robots.txt](robots.txt). Unfortunately, we only get this:
Did you know that robots.txt is not the only .txt file in a website? BTW: I am against humans!
However, it does give us a hint. This, combined with the title of the challenge, `RobotsVSHumans`, makes me think to check [humans.txt](humans.txt). From there, we get:

/* TEAM */

Your title: RobotsVSHumans

Location: Bcharest, Romania

/* THANKS */

Name: DCTF{1091d2144edbffaf5dd265cb7c93e799c4659eb16ee79735b3bd6e09dd6e791f}

***Flag: `DCTF{1091d2144edbffaf5dd265cb7c93e799c4659eb16ee79735b3bd6e09dd6e791f}`***

Original writeup (https://github.com/scai16/CTF/tree/master/2018/DefCamp%20CTF%202018/RobotsVSHumans).