Tags: arm
There are quite a few gadgets and only 16-byte overflow.
But luckily, I find 0x00010364: pop {r3, pc};
using Ropper and
.text:00010534 MOV R1, R3 ; buf
.text:00010538 MOV R0, #0 ; fd
.text:0001053C BL read
.text:00010540 MOV R3, #0
.text:00010544 MOV R0, R3
.text:00010548 SUB SP, R11, #4
.text:0001054C LDMFD SP!, {R11,PC}
.text:0001054C ; End of function main
using IDA.
So if we get our stack layout like
pop {r3,pc} gadget <- ret addr
MOV R1,R3 gadget
we're able to read something to `base'.
I choose write shellcode to base
and then return to base, thus we get a shell.
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