
### InCTF 2018

##### Challenge: WildCat

##### Category: Web

##### Points: 804

##### Solves: 22

##### Description: Your task is to read the flag containing file.

In this challenge we had a website with only a picture of a cat.

Analyzing the HTML code we saw “is_debug” commented, what give us a clue about what to do.

So after GETing the page again with the parameter “is_debug=1” we obtained the PHP source code:


if (isset($_GET['is_debug']))
highlight_file(__FILE__) and die();
if(!(substr_count($qs, '_') > 0) && !(substr_count($qs, '%')> 1))
$cmd = $_GET['c_m_d'];
if(!preg_match('/[a-z0-9]/is', $cmd)){
echo $message;
echo $message;

In this case, we see that we have a “system” call with the content of the parameter “c_m_d” but for landing on it we have to bypass some checks before.

if(!(substr_count($qs, '_') > 0) && !(substr_count($qs, '%')> 1))

$cmd = $_GET['c_m_d'];
if(!preg_match('/[a-z0-9]/is', $cmd)){

So, we cannot use any “_” in our query and we cannot use any “a-zA-Z0-9” values.

The firs step is to bypass the first check (no “_”).

For this we can use the PHP functionality that converts “.” and spaces into “_”, using “c.m.d.” instead if “c_m_d”.

After that, we have to execute something to get the content of “flag.php” without using “ a-zA-Z0-9”.

In this case we can use some wildcards that are interpreted by bash to do what we need --> cat flag.php

As we cannot use letters, we use the character “?” to replace them.

In the first try, we tried “../../../../../../../../../../???/??? ????.???” for “../../../../../../../../../../bin/cat flag.php” but we did not get any result. As we where in a “sandboxed_bin”, we would have to use “??? ????.???” to match with “/sandboxed_bin/cat flag.php”.

So, putting all together, we created our request as “c.m.d=??? ????.???" and showed us the flag :)


by: fikih888

Original writeup (https://github.com/fikih888/CTFs/tree/master/InCTF%202018%20-%20WildCat%20-%20Web%20Chall).