Tags: reverse 

Rating: 1.0

The binary is written in C# so I've decompiled it with dnSpy
That funny looking function calls another funny looking one
And this goes on and on and on for god knows how many times
At last, it lands on a function that looks like this
Of course, this isn't the real flag. Actually, there are 10098 of them
Continuing with the Cheat Engine from now on
Put a breakpoint at the line that comes after the `Readline` call to view the string object returned from the `Readline` call
Returned string object is kept in `eax`, check bottom left window
Skipping to the `ReadKey` call, look who is allocated next to our input :smiley:
We got the flag!

Original writeup (https://github.com/korcankaraokcu/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/HumanCTF/TrashCTF/Solution).