Tags: math 


# Math Riddle
tags: math

## Description

>This showed up in my fuzeb00k feed.
Check against:
*nc math.uni.hctf.fun 4321*
(Please don't DOS D:)


The task ask to find positive values for: a, b, c such that `a/(b+c) + b/(a+c) + c/(b+a) = N` with N = 10.

## Solution

The solution is very difficult, it involves elliptic curves and number theory as explained in [this Quora answer](https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-find-the-positive-integer-solutions-to-frac-x-y+z-+-frac-y-z+x-+-frac-z-x+y-4/answer/Alon-Amit). It also shows a result for N = 4, but we need N = 10.
Luckily duckduckgo is our friend and provides us with [this stackexchange post](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/402537/find-integer-in-the-form-fracabc-fracbca-fraccab/409450#409450) that contains also an answer for N = 10.

The enormous values for a, b, c are:




Sending them via netcat gives us the flag: `flag{c0ngr4ts_f0r_s0lv1ng_a_f4ceb00k_riddle}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/draane/CTF/tree/master/PWN_CTF_2018/Math%20Riddle).