Rating: 5.0

# DarkpearAI 500 points


This problem is based on [Diffie-Hellman](https://hackernoon.com/algorithms-explained-diffie-hellman-1034210d5100). Our goal is to find the Secret Key. The data provided to us are messages between two person (Alice & Bob for instance) & two numbers.
We can identify those numbers provided to us as `base` and prime `modulus`.

Now, we have 4 known variables.

g = 3
n = 371781196966866977144706219746579136461491261
Person1: applepearblue
Person2: darkhorseai

We first need to convert those messages into decimal format as correct conversion would matter while performing discrete logarithm. We carefully convert and retrieve

m1 = 97112112108101112101097114098108117101
m2 = 100097114107104111114115101097105

Diffie-Hellman equations are as follow (where a,b are the secret of Person1 and Person2 respectively):
m1 = pow(g,a)%n
m2 = pow(g,b)%n

For the secret-key our goal is to get
secretkey = pow(g,a*b)%n
which requires the information of a,b. Another discrete logarithm problem, but our friend Sage's `discrete_log` would be enough for this (Internally, it implements Pohlig-Hellman)
So, we use the following to crack `a` and `b`

Then it's a simple equation to get the secretkey.

The full solver is implemented in [dh-solve.sage](https://github.com/aadityapurani/My-CTF-Solutions/blob/master/ritsec-2018/DarkpearAI/dh-solve.sage)

./sage dh-solve.sage
##### Flag: RITSEC{342060940412689854597111481732886330798298027}

Original writeup (https://github.com/aadityapurani/My-CTF-Solutions/tree/master/ritsec-2018/DarkpearAI).