
# What_Th.\_Fgck (100)

Hi CTF player. If you have any questions about the writeup or challenge. Submit a issue and I will try to help you understand.

Also I might be wrong on some things. Enjoy :)

![alt text](1.png "Chall")


Googling some parts of the string we get the following:

![alt text](2.png "Chall")

Okay so it seems like the text is written in Dvorak? Never heard of something like this before.

Now we google:

`Qwerty and Dvorak converter online`

We find this converter: http://wbic16.xedoloh.com/dvorak.html.

![alt text](3.png "Chall")


Original writeup (https://github.com/flawwan/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/ritsec/whatthefuck/writeup.md).