Rating: 5.0

# Our Christmas wishlist (Web)

Hi CTF player. If you have any questions about the writeup or challenge. Submit a issue and I will try to help you understand.

Also I might be wrong on some things. Enjoy :)

(P.S Check out my [CTF cheat sheet](https://github.com/flawwan/CTF-Candy))

![alt text](0.png "Chall")

This is a simple message board where you can submit your requests for christmas to the santa.

![alt text](1.png "Chall")

Looking at the source code of the page we find a interesting function "lol".

![alt text](2.png "Chall")

Right here I saw they were using XML which means we can probably do a XXE attack.

OWASP has a great guide on XXE:

![alt text](3.png "Owasp XXE")

Final exploit looks like this:

And send the requests to the server with:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @payload.xml

And we get the flag
Your wish: X-MAS{_The_Ex73rnal_Ent1t13$_W4n7_To__Jo1n_7he_p4r7y__700______}

Original writeup (https://github.com/flawwan/CTF-Writeups/blob/master/XMAS2018/Our%20Christmas%20Wishlist/writeup.md).