
# Homebrew - Crypto/web (200)

Homebrew Inc learned the hard way to no longer store passwords in plaintext. Log in as admin into their new user system.


## Service Analysis

This challenge started out with a simple web service without much functionality. One of the pages references "self-describing REST APIs" which a quick google search reveals are just REST API descriptions in OPTIONS requests. With that in mind, I went about writing a short script to send an OPTIONS request for `/signup` and `/login`. These in turn reveal that there are a couple extra REST API endpoints `/signup/step1`, `/login/step1`, and `/login/step2`. When working the problem I completely blew past the "SRP signup" and "SRP login" descriptions, but had I not, this would have saved a lot of time. Looking at the protocol, its eventually clear that it very closely resembles the [Secure Remote Password protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Remote_Password_protocol). Searching a little further gets us to an intended solution described in a [cryptopal challenge](http://cryptopals.com/sets/5/challenges/37). Basically, all that you need to do is send `0`, `N`, `2*N`, etc as your `A` value and you'll be logged in automatically. This was simple enough to writeup with a script and gives us the flag.

import requests
import os
import json
import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import sys
import hmac
import math
import binascii

URI = ''
jar = requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar()

def get_sha256(data):
if type(data) == str:
data = data.encode('ascii')
s = SHA256.new()
return s.hexdigest()

def get_proof(salt,K):
return hmac.new(str(salt).encode('ascii'),K.encode('ascii'),SHA256).hexdigest()

def print_spec(path):

print('>'*80, path)
r = requests.options(URI+path)
j = r.json()
return j

def validate():
j = print_spec('/signup')
N = j['params']['N']
g = j['params']['g']
k = j['params']['k']

js1 = print_spec('/signup/step1')
I = js1['prereq_example']['I']
P = js1['prereq_example']['P']
salt = js1['prereq_example']['salt']
xH = js1['prereq_example']['xH']
x = js1['prereq_example']['x']
v = js1['prereq_example']['v']
assert xH == get_sha256(str(salt)+P)
assert x == int(xH,16)
assert v == pow(g,x,N)

jl = print_spec('/login')

jl1 = print_spec('/login/step1')
I = jl1['prereq_example']['I']
a = jl1['prereq_example']['a']
A = jl1['prereq_example']['A']
assert A == pow(g,a,N)

jl2 = print_spec('/login/step2')
a = jl2['prereq_example']['a']
A = jl2['prereq_example']['A']
B = jl2['prereq_example']['B']
salt = jl2['prereq_example']['salt']
P = jl2['prereq_example']['P']
uH = jl2['prereq_example']['uH']
u = jl2['prereq_example']['u']
xH = jl2['prereq_example']['xH']
x = jl2['prereq_example']['x']
S = jl2['prereq_example']['S']
K = jl2['prereq_example']['K']
proof = jl2['req_example']['proof']
assert uH == get_sha256(str(A)+str(B))
assert u == int(uH,16)
assert xH == get_sha256(str(salt)+P)
assert x == int(xH,16)
assert S == pow(B-k*pow(g,x,N),(a+u*x),N)
assert K == get_sha256(str(S))

assert proof == get_proof(salt,K)

a = random.randint(1,2**32-1)
A = pow(g,a,N)
b = random.randint(1,2**32-1)
B = k*v+pow(g,b,N)
uH = get_sha256(str(A)+str(B))
u = int(uH,16)

S1 = pow(B-k*v,(a+u*x),N)
S2 = pow(A*pow(v,u,N),b,N)
assert S1 == S2


if __name__ == '__main__':

j = print_spec('/signup')
N = j['params']['N']
g = j['params']['g']
k = j['params']['k']

r = requests.post(URI+'/login/step1',json={'I':'admin','A':2*N})
cook = r.cookies
j = r.json()
salt = j['salt']
B = j['B']

S = 0
K = get_sha256(str(S))
proof = get_proof(salt,K)
r = requests.post(URI+'/login/step2',json={'proof':proof},cookies=cook)


Original writeup (https://github.com/nononovak/otwadvent2018-ctfwriteup/blob/master/day7.md).