
# easteregg2 - web (50)

I only got this one after the fact with a large hint from hpmv2. It was found base64 encoded in one of the included scripts

$ curl https://advent2018.overthewire.org/static/js/app.js


var checkNewChallenges = function() {
var lockedcount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.challenges.length; i++) {
if($scope.challenges[i]["state"] == "locked") {
lockedcount += 1;

console.log("scope lockedcount = "+$scope.lockedCount+" and lockedcount = "+lockedcount);

if(lockedcount != $scope.lockedCount) {
if($scope.lockedCount != -1) {
if(localStorage.getItem("gfx") != 2) {
var audio = new Audio('/static/audio/santabells.mp3');
$scope.showsanta = true;
console.log("GFX enabled");
} else {
console.log("GFX disabled");
console.log("Detected new unlocked challenges");
$scope.lockedCount = lockedcount;


The base64 blob in the middle there decodes as the flag:

$ echo 'PHA+QU9UV3tKaW5nbGVfQWxsX1RoZV9XYXkhISExfTwvcD4=' | base64 -D



Original writeup (https://github.com/nononovak/otwadvent2018-ctfwriteup/blob/master/easteregg2.md).