Tags: web
# 35C3 Junior CTF – Not(e) accessible
* **Category:** Web
* **Points:** 55 (variable)
## Challenge
> We love notes. They make our lifes more structured and easier to manage! In 2018 everything has to be digital, and that's why we built our very own note-taking system using micro services: Not(e) accessible! For security reasons, we generate a random note ID and password for each note.
> Recently, we received a report through our responsible disclosure program which claimed that our access control is bypassable...
> Difficulty estimate: Easy-Medium
## Solution
If you try to submit a note (with spaces) an error will appear.
> ERROR! - Text does not match /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
If the text follows the shown regex, the note is inserted showing some info.
> Your note ID is 5779715767432985082
> Your note PW is 44a0cbcab0cdb0326be3b76b21bb25c9
> And the link to the note:
Analyzing the HTML, you can find the following comment.
The archive contains both the frontend and the backend code.
Into the backend file `app.rb` you can discover the backend endpoint that must be called to retrieve the flag.
get '/admin' do
The code that can be abused is into frontend `view.php` file.
if(file_exists("./pws/" . (int) $id . ".pw")) {
if(file_get_contents("./pws/" . (int) $id . ".pw") == $_GET['pw']) {
echo file_get_contents($BACKEND . "get/" . $id);
The `int` cast is not present everywhere, so the `id` parameter can be crafted like the following.
With this parameter, the first two `if` statements will be true, because the result of the expression is the following, due to the fact that PHP will consider only the integer part for the cast.
That result is a valid password file, the one created previously during the note submission.
The `file_get_contents` instruction will perform a HTTP GET call to the following backend endpoint.
That will be interpreted like `$BACKEND/admin`
Hence, the flag will be returned.