
This challenge had you ssh to a box with a specific user, password, and port combination.

When connected, you were in a restricted shell that simply prompted you with "Your input:"

I entered /bin/bash as my input which dropped me to a quasi usable shell. What made this a real challenge for me was the extremely limited set of commands you could run, and the fact that all command output was not sent to standard out.

Tab completion helped me find the file that contained the flag, and ultimately, redirecting standard out to standard error got me the flag. Here's the commands that I used to solve this one:

Your input:
bash-4.3$ ls
bash: ls: command not found
bash-4.3$ cd /home/u1/ #note: tab completion output seen below this line
.bash_profile Desktop/ Music/ Videos/ flag.txt
.bashrc Documents/ Pictures/ bin/ programs/
bash-4.3$ echo "$(</home/u1/flag.txt)"
bash-4.3$ echo "$(</home/u1/flag.txt)" 1>&2
Pass: evlz{0ut_0f_ech0}ctf

Original writeup (https://blog.welcomethrill.house/2019/02/al-capwn-evlz-ctf-20190202-20190203.html).