Tags: forensics base64 apktools mobile android
Orignal writeup: [here!](https://www.abs0lut3pwn4g3.cf/writeups/2019/03/05/bsides-ctf-Blink.html)
Get past the Jedi mind trick to find the flag you are looking for.
We are provided with a blind.apk file.
On installing the app on a mobile, we see this:

Then I used apktool to decompile it.
apktool d blink.apk
Going into the smali folder created by apktool
There’s a `r2d2.smali` file. Inside there’s a string of base64 encoded image.

I saved the string to `blink_r2d2.txt`
cat blink_r2d2.txt | base64 -d > flag.png
On decoding the base64 string, and we get an image and the flag.