Our first insider threat has lead to a second insider. We haven't found any clues to the passphrase here, but given the vocabulary of the suspect, I don't think you'll have a hard time.
This one was a bit weird or you can say confusing(atleast for me) in the starting. Since the description said something about the vocabulary I kept on thinking that it is refering to password from goodluks1 i.e wages upturned flogging rinse landmass number
and I kept googling this but admins cleared that goodluks2 had nothing to do with it's first part.
Since we had to bruteforce the password we decided to dump the header that would contain the hash for the password. Even though @mementomori suddenly did that process and provided us with the file I figured out later we can use dd command to do so.
Now we had the file and we tried lot of password list with hascat on this one, we started with list like https://github.com/dwyl/english-words because it said something about the vocabulary but then later we found the password in the rockyou.txt
The password was gaffer3
. Using that password we did the same as for luks1
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen f0000000.luks luks
When the device was mounted we found a file named flag.txt
FLAG CTF{lame_users_keys_suck}