
Good Luks1


We've recovered an encrypted disk image from an insider threat. While he won't give up the passphrase, we think the post-it note is related.

goodluks1.7z goodluks1.jpg


This is the first challenge in the series.

The zip file contains an .img file using photorec I extracted an encrypted luks partition. We need to decrypt it using information that is given in the image, specifically on the post it note in the image.

alt text

I started to try the conversion of those decimal to ascii and then to hex and what not but it gave nothing. And then suddenly @unblvr said that I think the password is "wages upturned flogging rinse landmass number" and we all freaked out because this was a bit random and then he explained that the image says something about the EFF membership so using https://www.eff.org/dice he decoded those number.

Using that password we decrypted the luks partition

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen f0000000.luks luks

For some reason this mounted the partition for me, there was the flag

FLA: CTF{Look_Under_Keyboards_4_Secrets}

Original writeup (https://github.com/mzfr/ctf-writeups/tree/master/BsidesSF_2019/Good_luks1).