Tags: optimization reverse 

Rating: 5.0


TL;DR: WolframAlpha -> [CMA-ES](http://cma.gforge.inria.fr/) -> Bruteforce lower bits


The program receives an input as following:
where each of the `xxxxxxxxxxxx` are hexadecimal numbers that are casted as floating-point numbers. The input restrictions are as follows:

1. The first number is `391BC2164F0A`
2. The three numbers must be side lengths of a triangle, with the last number being the longest side
3. The inradius of the triangle must be `1.940035480806554e13` with error range of `1e-5`
4. The circumradius of the triangle must be `4.777053952827391e13` with error range of `1e-5`

Our team first used WolframAlpha to find an approximate value for the remaining two sides. This yielded us a solution with error about `1e10`, which is quite a large error. One of our team member managed to optimize the circumradius to an error range of `1e-3` through binary searching by hand, but the inradius was still huge.

It occured to me that finding the appropriate side length can be considered as an **optimization problem**, where the **function we wish to minimize is the sum of absolute error of both the inradius and circumradius**. More specifically, we have floating point error in calculation, so the function must also be considered **noisy**.

As I had [good experiences](https://github.com/leesh3288/Tetris) with such optimization problems with CMA-ES, I proceeded to try it out. The below code uses a [python implementation of CMA-ES](https://github.com/CMA-ES/pycma).

import cma
from math import sqrt

ks = 0x391BC2164F0A
kr = 1.940035480806554e13
kR = 4.777053952827391e13

def radiusFit(s):
v19 = ks*ks + s[0]*s[0] - s[1]*s[1]
S_in = 4*ks*ks*s[0]*s[0] - v19*v19
if S_in < 0:
return float('inf')
S = sqrt(S_in) / 4
cr = 2*S / (ks + s[0] + s[1])
cR = (ks*s[0]*s[1]) / (4*S)
distr = (kr - cr)
distR = (kR - cR)
print(distr, distR)
return abs(distr) + abs(distR)

es = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy([70789268583970.951, 95523433899867.88], 0.2)
es.optimize(radiusFit, min_iterations=500)

The result immediately yielded a minimizing solution that was only offset from the answer by `1`. I found the final answer by brute-forcing `[-0x100, 0x100]` range of both unknown sides.


import subprocess
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool

d = [0x391BC2164F0A, 0x4064e4798768, 0x56e0de138176]


def run(d1):
print("solving d1 = {:x}".format(d1))
for d2 in range(-DELTARANGE, DELTARANGE + 1):
payload = "flag{" + "{:012x}-{:012x}-{:012x}".format(d[0], d[1] + d1, d[2] + d2) + "}\n"
s = subprocess.check_output("./Elements", input=bytes(payload, 'ascii'))
if len(s) != 0:
return payload
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return ""

pool = ThreadPool(8)
results = pool.map(run, list(range(-DELTARANGE, DELTARANGE + 1)))

**FLAG: `flag{391bc2164f0a-4064e4798769-56e0de138176}`**

Original writeup (https://github.com/leesh3288/CTF/blob/master/2019/0CTF_Quals/Elements/elements_writeup.md).