Tags: misc 

Rating: 5.0

# Can You Read Me

## Problem


## Solution

So we are given nothing but the server address. Let's try and connect to it


My first thought was that this is some code. But then I thought about googling the pikachu language and here it is:


So this is a programm. After googling some interpreter I found this:

I installed it and executed the code:


Sending this to ther server and here is a round 2:


Well, that's easy one. Who doesn't know brainfuck? Executing it online:


And moving on to the last round:


Wow, that looks like some chaos. But, googling esotric programming languages gives us this:


Well, this is something similar to our string. Googling Malbolge interpreter and finding this:

And executing gives us flag:


Original writeup (https://github.com/0awawa0/CTF-Writeups/tree/master/b00t2root%202019/MISC/Can%20You%20Read%20Me).