
# b00t2root-19 Tony Stank Task 262 pts

## Start :
First of all we login to our ssh server
exec socat tcp-connect: file:`tty`,raw,echo=0
So the task is saying that we need to become tony and if we do
cat /etc/passwd
We find that tony is an user so we enter tony's home directory and in it we find a hidden file named flag and as you see we cant neither read it or modifiy it so the only way to get it is to become tony

![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-31%2000-00-09.png)

So we gona try to become tony without any need for password authentification
So First to set up a passwordless SSH login in Linux all you need to do is to generate a public authentication key and append it to
Thats the key that i generated

![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-30%2022-21-35.png)

and to be sure that the key is generated we check the :
![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-30%2022-24-42.png)

so after we generated steve's key we need to copy it to tony's authorized_keys because we have to login to tony as steve
but in tony we dont have a .ssh folder so we make it and then we create the authorized_keys file and copy the key in it

![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-30%2022-34-00.png)

and now we login to :
ssh tony@localhost
and here we go no need for authentication now we got a shell as tony

![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-30%2022-35-30.png)

then we do :
ls -al
and here is the file flag now we need to only give it permissions so i just gave it 777
chmod 777 .flag
then cat it
cat .flag
![alt tag](https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19/blob/master/Screenshot%20at%202019-03-30%2022-38-00.png)

## and there is our flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/GodRagna/b00t2root-19).