Tags: crypto 


# Crypto Chall : 16-Bit-AES
Given that the Key is 16 bit , Which means 2 bytes ; Repeating key

Given a netcat server : nc aes.sunshinectf.org 4200
Welcome, I'm using an AES-128 cipher with a 16-bit key in ECB mode.

I'll give you some help: give me some text, and I'll tell you what it looks like

Your text:

Ok, now encrypt this text with the same key: EQlD1aLpLTlKfiR3


First it asks us for Plaintext , Then we send a plain text;
Then it encrypts it, with it's key and Returns out Cipher Text
Then it Gives a Plain text ; Asks for it's Cipher text
We have to Encrypt the Given plain text with the key with which
our plaintext is encrypted ;
1). So our First Task is to Get the Key
2). Encrypt The Given Plaintext and Send the Cipher text
### 1] To get the Key : Brute force the key, As the key is 2 bytes (63365) possibilities
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

def Encrypt(P,key):
A = AES.new(key)
return A.encrypt(P).encode('hex')
def Attack(p,c):
for i in range(256):
for j in range(256):
key = chr(i)+chr(j)
key = key*8
if Encrypt(p,key) == c:
return key
Attack Function takes the Plaintext as p , Ciphertext as c ;
Then It returns the Key , With Which the Plain text is Encrypted

### 2] Encrypt The Given Plaintext and Send the Cipher text
Now Script for netcat connection;
from pwn import *

def start():
con = remote("aes.sunshinectf.org","4200")
print con.recvuntil("Your text: \r\n")
Ct = con.recvuntil('\r\n\r\n')[:-4]
Key = Attack(Pt,Ct)
print "Extracted Key : ",Key
con.recvuntil("same key: ") ;
Text = con.recv()[:-2] ; sleep(2)
print "Plain Text : ",Text
Ct = Encrypt(Text,Key)
print "Cipher Text: ",Ct

Pt = "aaaabbbbccccdddd" #
### Output :
$ python exp.py
[+] Opening connection to aes.sunshinectf.org on port 4200: Done
Welcome, I'm using an AES-128 cipher with a 16-bit key in ECB mode.

I'll give you some help: give me some text, and I'll tell you what it looks like

Your text:

Extracted Key : fLfLfLfLfLfLfLfL
Plain Text : 04nUWp27ucim2CCQ
Cipher Text: 752d5ca14bad08216bb7282b2734cab1
[*] Switching to interactive mode

Correct! The flag is sun{Who_kn3w_A3$_cou1d_be_s0_vulner8ble?}

[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

Original writeup (https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/tree/master/Sunshine-2019/16-bit-AES).