Tags: web 


## Cloudb (web) 8 solves

This weekend, my mates of ID-10-T Team and I decided to play the Midnightsun CTF, we had a long time without playing CTFs so it was nice to meet again and solve some challenges.

The Cloudb challenge, from web cathegory, has the following statement:

These guys made a DB in the cloud. Hope it's not a rain cloud...

Service: [http://cloudb-01.play.midnightsunctf.se](http://cloudb-01.play.midnightsunctf.se/)

Author: avlidienbrunn

### Intro
Another cloud challenge, I love them! This challenge is about reaching ```admin``` privileges on a Cloud data storage platform.


The platform lets you upload a profile pic by directly posting it to an Amazon AWS S3 bucket. The upload process consists on two different requests:

- A GET to ```/signature``` path, passing an ACL and a HMAC sign as parameters. This request returns a base64 encoded JSON, with an AWS S3 bucket POST policy:


The decoded base64:
"expiration": "2019-04-06T14:17:03.000Z",
"conditions": [
["content-length-range", 1, 10000], {"bucket": "cloudb-profilepics"},
{"acl": "public-read"},
["starts-with", "$key", "profilepics/"]

- A POST request to the Amazon AWS S3 bucket using the amazon standard for this kind of requests, explained here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-post-example.html


Seems like first we are creating a policy, then using this policy to POST our profile pic to the S3 bucket.

Our profile pic is saved at ```/profilepics/[email protected]/ejemplo.jpeg```.

Also, the application lets us request our profile information, at ```/userinfo/[email protected]/info.json``` endpoint, returning the following JSON:

"admin": false,
"profilepic": "/profilepics/[email protected]/ejemplo.jpeg",
"hmac": "427881d9d33e2e619047bbaff90205a6c804524405d3574c8f4dfcabee162788",
"name": "idiotsctf",
"email": "[email protected]"

Hmm... that "admin" flag set to ```false```, seems like we will need to overwrite our ```/userinfo/[email protected]/info.json``` profile file and set the admin flag to true.

### Understanding a bit how AWS S3 POST Policy works.
Before continuing, it's necesary to understand a bit how AWS S3 policy works. Amazon let developers upload content via POST requests to a S3 bucket. To do this, the developer needs to define a policy parameter for each user upload, this is what the ```GET /signature``` request does.

That policy controls how much time the client-side has to upload the content, where it's going to be uploaded, the content type, which bucket is allowed etc.

The above JSON policy (on Intro), tells:
- Your POST upload permission ends at ```2019-04-06T14:17:03.000Z```
- You can upload files between 1 and 10000 bytes length.
- You are allowed to upload it to cloudb-profilepics bucket.
- Your ACL will be public-read, so everyone can read the content you upload.
- And the S3 bucket key where you upload the content, must start with ```profilepics/```

### The magic of team work.
Phiber, from int3pids is one of our ID10Ts team colleague, he was the first who started working on this challenge. When I woke up, he had some work done over the challenge as he realized **how to inject characters on the S3 policy** generated by the ```/signature``` controller.

- First he found the secret key which where used to create the sign on the ```hmac``` parameter. That signed the ```acl``` parameter. The key was ```[object Object]```, literally.
- Second, he was able to inject JSON strings on the ```acl``` parameter. Let's explain it:

A "common" query, could be ```/signature?hmac=<hmac>&acl=public-read```, this returns the above mentioned JSON (on Intro). Now, if we inject some strings, like this: ```/signature?hmac=<hmac>&acl=public-read'} test```, the base64 encoded policy acl looks like this:

``` ... {'acl': 'public-read'}, test ...```

We can inject things on the policy!!!

### Looking for the buckets.
Now we know that we can tamper the policy, we know we need to overwrite ```/userinfo/[email protected]/info.json``` file to obtain admin privileges, but we don't know the S3 bucket name where the user information is being stored.

**Patatas in action:**
Our team mate @HackingPatatas has an incredible ability to try random things and make it work. He tried ```cloud-users.s3.amazonaws.com``` and it was a valid bucket. So it's highly probable that the ```info.json```file is being stored on that bucket.

### Bypassing policy restrictions.
The policy tells us we can't just query ```cloud-users``` bucket, as the buckets and the keys of the buckets we are allowed to query, are well defined on the policy. We need to figure out how to invalidate those restrictions and add our own.

If we try to POST something like this :
POST https://cloudb-users.s3.amazonaws.com/

"key":"users/[email protected]/info.json",

The AWS S3 server will fail as the policy only allows ```cloud-profilepics``` as bucket and ```profilepics/``` as bucket key path.

A way to bypass, at least the ```bucket``` restriction is adding another ```conditions``` JSON block. In JSON if the same key appears many times on the same level, the last is going to be the valid one. In this case, as the ```conditions``` directive appears before the user controlled ```acl``` injectable parameter, we can inject something like this to invalidate the previous conditions:

'conditions': [
['starts-with', '$key', 'users/'],

See how we are closing the previous ```condition``` with ```]```, and opening a new one, with the ```cloud-users``` as allowed bucket. This returned the error ```Invalid according to Policy: Policy Condition failed: ["starts-with", "$key", "profilepics/"]```

Hmmm, our ```starts-with``` directive is being overwritted by the original one, which is after our injection point.

### The magic of the patata... again.
We need to find a way to invalidate the second ```starts-with: profilepics/``` directive, we can do this by creating a new JSON block at the end of our injection, like this:

``` (our injection) ... ], 'new-block': [{'acl': 'public-read```, so the second ```starts-with``` is not going to be inside the ```conditions``` block anymore. BUUUUUUT, we just can't declare blocks with names other than ```conditions``` or ```expiration``` or we get an error like this ```Invalid Policy: Unexpected: 'new-block'```.

This is terrible, we can only use two directives, the first one, ```conditions```, will overwrite our injected condition again, so we do not win anything, and the second, ```expiration```, only supports a single string as value.

After a bit of try, error, try, error, our team mate @HackingPatatas, made it again. He wrotes on team's chat:
DarkPatatas, [6 abr 2019 15:29:10]:
ostia.. un sec (the hell... wait a second...)


ME MATO (I'll kill myself)

lo tengo (I got it)

What? How?

He just fucking tested ```Conditions``` instead of ```conditions```, and Amazon take it as a valid Policy key, but not applying it as a condition for the policy, so we successfully bypassed al the restrictions.

The next step is do the same but this time, uploading an ```info.json``` to /users/[email protected]/info.json, with the "admin" flag set to ```true```. And...


Ding ding ding!!! We are admin!!! And, of course, now we can go to ```/admin``` endpoint, authenticate and read the flag.

### Final thoughts

What the hell Amazon?

Thanks to all the team, specially @phiber_int3 and @HackingPatatas to help a lot on solving this challenge. It was really funny and challenging!

Original writeup (https://github.com/dreadlocked/ctf-writeups/blob/master/midnightsun-ctf/cloudb.md).