
# ASIS CTF Quals 2015: leach

## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| ASIS CTF Quals 2015 | leach | Reversing | 250 |

>*Find the flag in this [file](challenge/leach).*

## Write-up

Let's take a look at the file:

>file leach
>leach; ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, stripped

If we run it, it starts waiting for a long time and playing pong:

>$ ./leach
>this may take too long time ... :)
>#| #
># #
># #
># |#
># o #
># #
># #
># #

and fire it up in IDA to get some pseudocode. The relevant part of the main routine is the following:

>__int64 __fastcall mainroutine(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)
> (...)
> while ( 1 )
> {
> src = off_602540[v13];
> if ( !src )
> break;
> v12 = time(0LL);
> sleep(*(&seconds + v13));
> v11 = (unsigned __int64)time(0LL) - v12;
> sprintf(&s, "%d", v11, v4);
> strcpy(&dest, src);
> strcat(&dest, &s);
> if ( !sub_400D65(&dest, (unsigned int)dword_602300[v13], &v8) )
> {
> LODWORD(v3) = sub_400DDD(&dest);
> printf(v3);
> dword_602BF8 = 0;
> }
> ++v13;
> }
> putchar(10);
> result = 0LL;
> }
> return result;

As we can see v11 is the difference between two timestamps taken with a sleep operation in between (which will sleep for a number of seconds determined by index v13 in table seconds). v11 is then combined with variables retrieved from tables off_602540 and dword_602300 and put into function sub_400D65 which will decide whether to call the (presumable) decryption function sub_400DDD or not, using the constructed argument, and output the result. So without looking any further at these subroutines, let's first eliminate the delay by simply setting v11 to seconds[v13] immediately without sleep in between. The disassembly of the relevant code looks as follows:

>.text:0000000000401121 mov edi, 0 ; timer
>.text:0000000000401126 call _time
>.text:000000000040112B mov [rbp+var_8], eax
>.text:000000000040112E mov eax, [rbp+var_4]
>.text:0000000000401131 cdqe
>.text:0000000000401133 mov eax, seconds[rax*4]
>.text:000000000040113A mov edi, eax ; seconds
>.text:000000000040113C call _sleep
>.text:0000000000401141 mov edi, 0 ; timer
>.text:0000000000401146 call _time
>.text:000000000040114B mov edx, eax
>.text:000000000040114D mov eax, [rbp+var_8]
>.text:0000000000401150 sub edx, eax
>.text:0000000000401152 mov eax, edx
>.text:0000000000401154 mov [rbp+var_C], eax

So all we need to do is patch out the instructions from 0x040113A to 0x0401152 to make sure the right value goes from the lookup table to v11 (indicated by [rbp+var_C]). We do this in IDA by using edit -> patch program -> change byte and change the entire range to NOP (0x90) instructions. We then generate an IDA diff file by using File -> Produce file -> Create DIF file which produces the [following file](solution/leach.dif):

>This difference file has been created by IDA
>000000000000113A: 89 90
>000000000000113B: C7 90
>000000000000113C: E8 90
>000000000000113D: 3F 90
>000000000000113E: F8 90
>000000000000113F: FF 90
>0000000000001140: FF 90
>0000000000001141: BF 90
>0000000000001142: 00 90
>0000000000001143: 00 90
>0000000000001144: 00 90
>0000000000001145: 00 90
>0000000000001146: E8 90
>0000000000001147: F5 90
>0000000000001148: F7 90
>0000000000001149: FF 90
>000000000000114A: FF 90
>000000000000114B: 89 90
>000000000000114C: C2 90
>000000000000114D: 8B 90
>000000000000114E: 45 90
>000000000000114F: F8 90
>0000000000001150: 29 90
>0000000000001151: C2 90
>0000000000001152: 89 90
>0000000000001153: D0 90

And then supply the resulting DIF to the [following IDA dif patcher](http://stalkr.net/files/ida/idadif.py) to produce a patched binary:

>$ ./idadif.py ./leach ./leach.dif
>Patching file './leach' with './leach.dif'

Which when run gives us the flag:

>$ ./leach
>this may take too long time ... :)

Original writeup (https://github.com/smokeleeteveryday/CTF_WRITEUPS/tree/master/2015/ASISCTF/reversing/leach).