Tags: network quake3 ppc
_We didn't manage to solve this task during the CTF. I was close enough, so I decided to finish it and share the solution._
We are given pcap traffic of some OpenArena(it is an open-source implementation of quake3 engine) game session. Youtube clip reveals that during this session player draws the flag on the wall.
## OpenArena network protocol
We can get some idea of how this protocol works by looking at the [game sources](https://github.com/OpenArena/legacy/tree/master/engine/openarena-engine-source-0.8.8).
Basically it is some kind of reliable udp with adaptive huffman coding and delta compression, but we don't need to know all the specifics to solve this task.
Also, I found this cool python wrapper on engine's `msg.c` code to help with huffman decompression -- [q3huff](https://github.com/jkent/q3huff).
All we need to know is that all packets start with a sequence number, and contain a sequence of messages.
## Solution
My first idea was to replay client packets against our server and watch this session. I patched server to match `challenge` and `serverId` values from this session. However, when I was replaying client packets I realized that we actually need to replay server packets in order to see what the other player was doing. I got an idea to write server packets in a demo file, but I didn't manage to do that in time.
Next day, I decided to give it a try.
Demo recordings file format is pretty straightforward: it is a sequence of server packets:
The only problem is that we can't just write network packets as is, we need to decode them first(some kind of spoofing protection):
def msg_decode(data, header_size, string, key):
decoded = []
index = 0
for i in range(header_size, len(data)):
# modify the key with the last sent and acknowledged command
if string[index] == 0:
index = 0
if string[index] > 127 or string[index] == ord('%'):
key ^= (ord('.') << (i & 1)) & 0xFF
key ^= (string[index] << (i & 1)) & 0xFF
index += 1
# decode the data with this key
decoded.append(data[i] ^ key)
return data[:header_size] + bytes(decoded)
As you can see, we need to maintain the list of server and client commands in order to decode all packets.
Thankfully, in this game session, all `svc_serverCommand` and `clc_clientCommand` messages are placed at the start of the packets, so we don't need to write parsers for every message type and just skip irrelevant ones.
Server part(client part looks the same):
def svc_parse(seq, msg):
msg.oob = False # enables Huffman decompression
rAck = msg.read_long()
while True:
cmd = msg.read_byte()
if cmd != svc_serverCommand:
index = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
s = msg.read_string()
serverCommands[index] = s.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
print(f'stored svc_serverCommand "{s}" at {index}')
Now we can decode server packets:
reliableAcknowledge = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
key = (CHALLENGE ^ seq) & 0xFF
data = msg_decode(data, 4, clientCommands[reliableAcknowledge], key)
And client packets:
serverId = msg.read_long()
messageAcknowledge = msg.read_long()
reliableAcknowledge = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
key = (CHALLENGE ^ serverId ^ messageAcknowledge) & 0xFF
data = msg_decode(data, 12, serverCommands[reliableAcknowledge], key)
That's it. We can write these packets to the demo file and play it in the game client.
demo_file.write(struct.pack('<II', seq, len(data)))
In the recording we can see that the player writes the flag on the wall: `PCTF{PEWPEWPEWWX}`
Full solution code:
from scapy.all import *
from collections import defaultdict
import q3huff
import struct
CHALLENGE = -1338626257 & 0xFFFFFFFF
svc_serverCommand = 0x5
clc_clientCommand = 0x4
serverCommands = defaultdict(lambda: b'\x00\x00')
clientCommands = defaultdict(lambda: b'\x00\x00')
def msg_decode(data, header_size, string, key):
decoded = []
index = 0
for i in range(header_size, len(data)):
# modify the key with the last sent and acknowledged command
if string[index] == 0:
index = 0
if string[index] > 127 or string[index] == ord('%'):
key ^= (ord('.') << (i & 1)) & 0xFF
key ^= (string[index] << (i & 1)) & 0xFF
index += 1
# decode the data with this key
decoded.append(data[i] ^ key)
return data[:header_size] + bytes(decoded)
def svc_parse(seq, msg):
msg.oob = False # enables Huffman decompression
rAck = msg.read_long()
while True:
cmd = msg.read_byte()
if cmd != svc_serverCommand:
index = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
s = msg.read_string()
serverCommands[index] = s.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
print(f'stored svc_serverCommand "{s}" at {index}')
def clc_parse(seq, msg):
msg.oob = False # enables Huffman decompression
serverId = msg.read_long()
mAck= msg.read_long()
rAck = msg.read_long()
while True:
cmd = msg.read_byte()
if cmd != clc_clientCommand:
index = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
s = msg.read_string()
clientCommands[index] = s.encode('utf8') + b'\x00'
print(f'stored clc_clientCommand "{s}" at {index}')
sv_fragment_buffer = b''
cl_fragment_buffer = b''
def read_fragment(msg, raw_data):
frag_offset = msg.read_short() & 0xFFFF
frag_size = msg.read_short() & 0xFFFF
return frag_size != FRAGMENT_SIZE, raw_data[4:4+frag_size]
demo_file = open('flag.dm_71', 'wb')
for packet in rdpcap('graffiti.pcap'):
if not (packet.haslayer(UDP) and packet[UDP].sport == packet[UDP].dport == 27961):
is_server = str(packet[IP].src) == ''
packet_payload = bytes(packet[UDP].payload)
msg = q3huff.Reader(packet_payload)
msg.oob = True # disables Huffman decompression
seq = msg.read_long() & 0xFFFFFFFF
if seq == 0xFFFFFFFF:
# skip connectionless packets
if is_server:
data = packet_payload[4:]
if seq & (1 << 31):
seq ^= (1 << 31)
is_last, frag = read_fragment(msg, data)
sv_fragment_buffer += frag
if is_last:
data = sv_fragment_buffer
sv_fragment_buffer = b''
msg = q3huff.Reader(data)
reliableAcknowledge = msg.read_long() & (64 - 1)
key = (CHALLENGE ^ seq) & 0xFF
data = msg_decode(data, 4, clientCommands[reliableAcknowledge], key)