
# DEF CON CTF Quals 2015: accesscontrol

## Challenge details
| Contest | Challenge | Category | Points |
| DEF CON CTF Quals 2015 | accesscontrol | Reversing | 1 |

>*It's all about [who you know and what you want](challenge/client). access_control_server_f380fcad6e9b2cdb3c73c651824222dc.quals.shallweplayaga.me:17069*

## Write-up

We're given a client binary and a server address and port. When we connect to the server we're presented with the following:

>$ nc access_control_server_f380fcad6e9b2cdb3c73c651824222dc.quals.shallweplayaga.me 17069
>connection ID: |e?R:/u,`#h%AN
>*** Welcome to the ACME data retrieval service ***
>what version is your client?

We're gonna need to reverse engineer the client binary in order to get (the right kind of) access to the server.

>$ file client
> client: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xcf260fd5e12b4ccf789d77ac706a049d83df4f05, stripped

When we execute the client we get the following:

>need IP
>Socket created
>Enter message :

Let's get some (properly labled) pseudo-code using IDA:

>signed int __cdecl mainroutine(signed int a1, int a2)
> signed int result; // eax@2
> bool v3; // cf@9
> bool v4; // zf@9
> signed int v5; // ecx@9
> int v6; // esi@9
> int v7; // edi@9
> void *v8; // edx@26
> unsigned int v9; // ebx@26
> int v10; // edi@28
> int v11; // edx@28
> void *v12; // edx@34
> unsigned int v13; // ebx@34
> int v14; // edi@36
> int v15; // edx@36
> void *v16; // edx@43
> unsigned int v17; // ebx@43
> int v18; // edi@45
> int v19; // edx@45
> int v20; // edx@54
> signed int message_done; // [sp+24h] [bp-78h]@7
> __int16 hello_buf; // [sp+2Ah] [bp-72h]@26
> int v23; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-70h]@27
> int ip_addr; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-40h]@3
> signed __int16 v25; // [sp+70h] [bp-2Ch]@5
> uint16_t v26; // [sp+72h] [bp-2Ah]@5
> in_addr_t v27; // [sp+74h] [bp-28h]@5
> int password; // [sp+80h] [bp-1Ch]@25
> __int16 v29; // [sp+84h] [bp-18h]@25
> int response; // [sp+86h] [bp-16h]@51
> __int16 v31; // [sp+8Ah] [bp-12h]@51
> int v32; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-10h]@1
> v32 = *MK_FP(__GS__, 20);
> if ( a1 > 1 )
> {
> strncpy((char *)&ip_addr, *(const char **)(a2 + 4), 0x14u);
> fd = socket(2, 1, 0);
> if ( fd == -1 )
> printf("Could not create socket");
> puts("Socket created");
> v27 = inet_addr((const char *)&ip_addr);
> v25 = 2;
> v26 = htons(0x42ADu);
> if ( connect(fd, (const struct sockaddr *)&v25, 0x10u) >= 0 )
> {
> client_state = 0;
> message_done = 0;
> *(_DWORD *)challenge = 0;
> word_804B470 = 0;
> *(_DWORD *)connection_id = 0;
> dword_804BC74 = 0;
> dword_804BC78 = 0;
> word_804BC7C = 0;
> byte_804BC7E = 0;
> while ( 1 )
> {
> memset(message, 0, sizeof(message));
> if ( !message_done )
> {
> printf("Enter message : ");
> fgets(message, 1000, stdin);
> v5 = 16;
> v6 = (int)message;
> v7 = (int)"hack the world\n";
> do
> {
> if ( !v5 )
> break;
> v3 = *(_BYTE *)v6 < *(_BYTE *)v7;
> v4 = *(_BYTE *)v6++ == *(_BYTE *)v7++;
> --v5;
> }
> while ( v4 );
> if ( (!v3 && !v4) != v3 )
> {
> printf("nope...%s\n", message);
> result = -1;
> goto exit_label;
> }
> memset(message, 0, sizeof(message));
> message_done = 1;
> }
> if ( client_state == 1 )
> {
> send_line("grumpy\n");
> username = *(_DWORD *)"grumpy";
> word_804B476 = *(_WORD *)"py";
> byte_804B478 = aGrumpy_0[6];
> recv_until("enter user password");
> if ( recv_until("enter user password") )
> {
> password = 0;
> v29 = 0;
> get_password((int)"grumpy", (int)&password);
> decode_password((int)&password);
> HIBYTE(v29) = 0;
> sprintf((char *)&password, "%s\n", &password);
> send_line(&password);
> }
> v8 = &hello_buf;
> v9 = 50;
> if ( (unsigned int)&hello_buf & 2 )
> {
> hello_buf = 0;
> v8 = &v2;;
> v9 = 48;
> }
> memset(v8, 0, 4 * (v9 >> 2));
> v10 = (int)((char *)v8 + 4 * (v9 >> 2));
> v11 = (int)((char *)v8 + 4 * (v9 >> 2));
> if ( v9 & 2 )
> {
> *(_WORD *)v10 = 0;
> v11 = v10 + 2;
> }
> if ( v9 & 1 )
> *(_BYTE *)v11 = 0;
> sprintf((char *)&hello_buf, "hello %s, what would you like to do?", &username);
> if ( recv_until((char *)&hello_buf) )
> client_state = 2;
> }
> else if ( (unsigned int)client_state < 1 )
> {
> if ( recv_until("what version is your client?") )
> {
> dword_804BC80 = SBYTE3(dword_804BC74);
> send_line("version 3.11.54\n");
> }
> if ( recv_until("hello...who is this?") )
> client_state = 1;
> }
> else if ( client_state == 2 )
> {
> send_line("list users\n");
> recv_until("deadwood");
> v12 = &hello_buf;
> v13 = 50;
> if ( (unsigned int)&hello_buf & 2 )
> {
> hello_buf = 0;
> v12 = &v2;;
> v13 = 48;
> }
> memset(v12, 0, 4 * (v13 >> 2));
> v14 = (int)((char *)v12 + 4 * (v13 >> 2));
> v15 = (int)((char *)v12 + 4 * (v13 >> 2));
> if ( v13 & 2 )
> {
> *(_WORD *)v14 = 0;
> v15 = v14 + 2;
> }
> if ( v13 & 1 )
> *(_BYTE *)v15 = 0;
> sprintf((char *)&hello_buf, "hello %s, what would you like to do?", &username);
> if ( recv_until((char *)&hello_buf) )
> {
> send_line("print key\n");
> recv_until("the key is:");
> }
> client_state = 0;
> }
> else if ( client_state == 3 )
> {
> send_line("list users\n");
> recv_until("deadwood");
> v16 = &hello_buf;
> v17 = 50;
> if ( (unsigned int)&hello_buf & 2 )
> {
> hello_buf = 0;
> v16 = &v2;;
> v17 = 48;
> }
> memset(v16, 0, 4 * (v17 >> 2));
> v18 = (int)((char *)v16 + 4 * (v17 >> 2));
> v19 = (int)((char *)v16 + 4 * (v17 >> 2));
> if ( v17 & 2 )
> {
> *(_WORD *)v18 = 0;
> v19 = v18 + 2;
> }
> if ( v17 & 1 )
> *(_BYTE *)v19 = 0;
> sprintf((char *)&hello_buf, "hello %s, what would you like to do?", &username);
> if ( recv_until((char *)&hello_buf) )
> {
> send_line("print key\n");
> recv_until("challenge:");
> if ( recv_until("answer?") )
> {
> password = 0;
> v29 = 0;
> conn_id_index = 7;
> HIBYTE(word_804B470) = 0;
> get_password((int)challenge, (int)&password);
> conn_id_index = 1;
> decode_password((int)&password);
> HIBYTE(v29) = 0;
> response = 0;
> v31 = 0;
> strncpy((char *)&response, (const char *)&password, 5u);
> HIBYTE(v31) = 10;
> send_line(&response);
> recv_until("the key is:");
> recv_until((char *)&hello_buf);
> }
> }
> client_state = 0;
> }
> else
> {
> client_state = 0;
> }
> }
> }
> perror("connect failed. Error");
> result = 1;
> }
> else
> {
> puts("need IP");
> result = -1;
> }
> v20 = *MK_FP(__GS__, 20) ^ v32;
> return result;

We can see that there are 4 different client states where the client derives a password from the randomized connection ID, logs in and performs some actions. The client initially expects us to enter the message "hack the world" before it enters client states 0 through 2, which gives the following output:

>Socket created
>Enter message : hack the world
><< connection ID: i^:WkYL5@eYT(x
>*** Welcome to the ACME data retrieval service ***
>what version is your client?
><< hello...who is this?
><< enter user password
><< hello grumpy, what would you like to do?
><< grumpy
>hello grumpy, what would you like to do?
><< the key is not accessible from this account. your administrator has been notified.
>hello grumpy, what would you like to do?

So what do we currently have?

* Server address and port
* list of usernames: grumpy, mrvito, gynophage, selir, jymbolia, sirgoon, duchess, deadwood
* list of commands: list users, print key
* password derivation algorithm

So the proper course of action seems to be to reverse engineer the password derivation algorithm, find a user which is allowed to print the key (who will most likely be presented with a challenge as per the otherwise unreachable client state 3), respond to the challenge and grab the key.

The password derivation algorithm consists of 2 functions (get_password and decode_password):

>char *__cdecl get_password(int a1, int a2)
> char *result; // eax@1
> int v3; // ebx@4
> signed int i; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-1Ch]@1
> char dest[5]; // [sp+37h] [bp-11h]@1
> int v6; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-Ch]@1
> v6 = *MK_FP(__GS__, 20);
> result = strncpy(dest, &connection_id[conn_id_index] + some_offset % 3, 5u);
> for ( i = 0; i <= 4; ++i )
> {
> result = (char *)(a2 + i);
> *(_BYTE *)(a2 + i) = dest[i] ^ *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i);
> }
> v3 = *MK_FP(__GS__, 20) ^ v6;
> return result;

The above function simply indexes the received connection id based on conn_id_index and some_offset (which is initialized by dword_804BC80 = SBYTE3(dword_804BC74)) and takes 5 bytes which it xors with the first parameter (which is the username). The result is then supplied to the following function:

>int __cdecl decode_password(int a1)
> int result; // eax@4
> signed int i; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@1
> for ( i = 0; i <= 4; ++i )
> {
> if ( *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i) <= 31 )
> *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i) += 32;
> result = *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i);
> if ( (_BYTE)result == 127 )
> {
> *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i) -= 126;
> result = a1 + i;
> *(_BYTE *)(a1 + i) += 32;
> }
> }
> return result;

which simply translates it to a printable form.

Next we simply iterate over all the usernames until we find one which is presented with a challenge (which turns out to be the user duchess) and generate a response to the challenge using the password derivation algorithm before issuing the print key command. Tying this all together gives us the [following script](solution/accesscontrol_crack.py):

># DEF CON CTF Quals 2015
># dark (REVERSING/1)
># @a: Smoke Leet Everyday
># @u: https://github.com/smokeleeteveryday
>from pwn import *
>from struct import unpack
>def get_password(a1, connection_id, conn_id_index, dword_804BC80):
> a2 = ""
> offset = conn_id_index + (dword_804BC80 % 3)
> dest = connection_id[offset: offset+5]
> for i in xrange(5):
> a2 += chr(ord(dest[i]) ^ ord(a1[i]))
> return a2
>def decode_password(a1):
> result = list()
> a2 = list(a1)
> for i in xrange(5):
> if(ord(a2[i]) <= 31):
> a2[i] = chr(ord(a2[i]) + 32)
> result = a2[i]
> if(ord(result) == 127):
> a2[i] = chr(ord(a2[i]) - 126)
> result = a2[i: ]
> a2[i] = chr(ord(a2[i]) + 32)
> return result, "".join(a2)
>def handshake(h):
> version = "version 3.11.54"
> msg = h.recvuntil("what version is your client?\n")
> c_offset = msg.find("connection ID: ")
> connection_id = msg[c_offset+15: c_offset+29]
> h.send(version + "\n")
> msg = h.recvuntil("hello...who is this?\n")
> return connection_id
>def login(h, username, connection_id, conn_id_index, dword_804BC80, hello_str):
> h.send(username + "\n")
> msg = h.recvuntil("enter user password\n")
> pwd = get_password(username, connection_id, conn_id_index, dword_804BC80)
> res, pwd = decode_password(pwd)
> print "Password: [%s]" % pwd
> password = "%s" % pwd
> h.send(password + "\n")
> msg = h.recvuntil(hello_str)
> return True
>def list_users(h):
> h.send("list users\n")
> msg = h.recvuntil("deadwood\n")
> print "Users: [%s]" % msg
> return
>def print_key_challenge(h, connection_id, dword_804BC80):
> h.send("print key\n")
> msg = h.recv(2048)
> c_offset = msg.find("challenge: ")
> challenge = msg[c_offset+11: c_offset+16]
> print "Challenge: [%s]" % challenge
> msg = h.recvuntil("answer?\n")
> conn_id_index = 7
> pwd = get_password(challenge, connection_id, conn_id_index, dword_804BC80)
> conn_id_index = 1
> res, pwd = decode_password(pwd)
> response = pwd[0: 5]
> h.send(response + "\n")
> msg = h.recv(2048)
> offset = msg.find("the key is: ")
> key = msg[offset+12: ]
> print "Key: [%s]" % key
> return
>username = "duchess"
>client_state = 0
>conn_id_index = 1
>dword_804BC80 = 0
>hello_str = "hello %s, what would you like to do?\n" % username
>host = 'access_control_server_f380fcad6e9b2cdb3c73c651824222dc.quals.shallweplayaga.me'
>port = 17069
>h = remote(host, port, timeout = None)
> if(client_state == 0):
> connection_id = handshake(h)
> print "Connection ID: [%s]" % connection_id
> second_dword = connection_id[4: 8]
> dword_804BC80 = unpack('B', second_dword[3])[0]
> client_state = 1
> elif(client_state == 1):
> if(login(h, username, connection_id, conn_id_index, dword_804BC80, hello_str)):
> client_state = 2
> else:
> raise Exception("[-]Incorrect login for '%s'" % username)
> elif(client_state == 2):
> print_key_challenge(h, connection_id, dword_804BC80)
> break

Which gives the following output:

>[+] Opening connection to access_control_server_f380fcad6e9b2cdb3c73c651824222dc.quals.shallweplayaga.me on port 17069: Done
>Connection ID: [%KU[G.[Rl/97Mm]
>Password: [1.$F>]
>Challenge: [J.1$J]
>Key: [The only easy day was yesterday. 44564

Original writeup (https://github.com/smokeleeteveryday/CTF_WRITEUPS/tree/master/2015/DEFCONCTF/reversing/accesscontrol).