
# Regular Zips - Forensics

### Points : #
### Solved : #

###### Files :

###### Hints


# Walkthrough

We are provided with a password protected Zip Files and the following description


^ 7 y RU[A-Z]KKx2 R4\d[a-z]B N$

We have to somehow use that, extract the content of the zipped file and solve the challenge.

It came to my attention that the problem might actually be a regular expression that we can match in order to crack the compressed file.

Came across the following cli which generates all sort of combinations related to a regex.

$ exrex "$(cat problem.txt)" | tee passwords.txt | wc
6760 33800 141960
$ exrex "$(cat problem.txt)" | tail
7 y RUZKKx2 R49qB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49rB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49sB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49tB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49uB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49vB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49wB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49xB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49yB N
7 y RUZKKx2 R49zB N
Sweet! We can now generate our own dictionnaries and use them to crack the zip file.

$ fcrackzip -D -p passwords.txt -u RegularZips.zip

PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == 7 y RUHKKx2 R47gB N

Unzipping resulted in a new hint.txt file which will most likely also use to crack a new password protected archive.zip :D
$ pwd=$(fcrackzip -D -p passwords.txt -u archive.zip | grep pw | cut -d'=' -f3)
$ pwd=${pwd:1}
$ unzip -P "$pwd" archive.zip
Archive: archive.zip
extracting: hint.txt
replace archive.zip? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: y
extracting: archive.zip
[ Sat Apr 20 02:10:50 | tewfik@tewfik-X555LJ | ~/Documents/capture_the_flag/Write-ups-CTF/2019/utctf2019/forensics/regular_zips ] (master)
$ cat hint.txt
^\d00 2[a-z]F\s3u8J 1NzvA3l$
[ Sat Apr 20 02:12:21 | tewfik@tewfik-X555LJ | ~/Documents/capture_the_flag/Write-ups-CTF/2019/utctf2019/forensics/regular_zips ] (master)
$ unzip archive.zip
Archive: archive.zip
[archive.zip] hint.txt password:


There might be a chance that this process would be repeated again and again.. What should we do then? Automate it!

=> [go.sh](go.sh)

bash go.sh

Archive: old.zip
inflating: hint.txt
extracting: archive.zip
Archive: old.zip
extracting: hint.txt
extracting: archive.zip
5LH Qry4LGqKd F0pC
Archive: old.zip
extracting: hint.txt
extracting: archive.zip
BB rl aMF u 7o A0 b
Archive: old.zip
inflating: flag.txt

After around 1000 iterations, we get the flag! ^^

$ cat flag.txt

## Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/tewfik-ghariani/Write-ups-CTF/tree/master/2019/utctf2019/forensics/regular_zips).